
Well Known Member
I have the prop set up with the old ‘D’ hub with the white pitch adjustment cylinder. Hub also supplied with a Pitch Stop Ring already fitted. Question for the oldies that have this set up, is the Pitch Stop Ring removed?? It would appear so from drawing 47-03 Fig 2 Rev 0 06/16/09 where it is not shown. With it fitted adjustment range is virtually zero. Any clarification welcome.
The adjustment range you see with it installed is probably more than you think it is since 1 degree of pitch change is actually quite a lot of change, performance wise.

There is no negative to you removing it but once you start flying (assuming you aren't since you are asking about it) I think you will find that the adjustment range that you need, falls within the limits of the stop ring.
Didn't Sensenich update these hubs to a newer version that doesn't require inspections for cracks so frequently?
Didn't Sensenich update these hubs to a newer version that doesn't require inspections for cracks so frequently?

We had the front half of out hub replaced with the newer style that doesn't require the 50 hour inspections. I just couldn't see pulling the prop apart twice a year and having to re-set the pitch.
Scott, ref post #2 can I assume that leaving the limiter in that the 71.4 degrees required per page 47-07 Rev 0 05/19/15 can be achieved?
Scott, ref post #2 can I assume that leaving the limiter in that the 71.4 degrees required per page 47-07 Rev 0 05/19/15 can be achieved?

I would get the newer style unit in and buy the jig from Van's for setting prop pitch properly to 0.1 degree pitch variation or less. You don't want a poorly matched set of pitches on your propeller causing all kinds of destructive vibration on these engines and their components. Fasteners and brackets for for Electronic ignitions and all sorts of other items can and will vibrate to death and failure.

Match the pitch as close as possible, and if need be, also get your prop balanced.
Scott, ref post #2 can I assume that leaving the limiter in that the 71.4 degrees required per page 47-07 Rev 0 05/19/15 can be achieved?

Yes, you should be able to set that pitch value with it in place.
Are you having trouble doing that?