
Well Known Member
The Sensenich propeller comes with a hardware bag containing 12 AN5 bolts. 6 bolts messure to be -15, and the others are -24. Also in the hardware bag are some friction washers to be installed under the bolt heads and also under the nuts. I've included a couple of pictures showing the bolts and also my issue which is the -15s are too short. Has others experienced this or am I assembling the pieces wrong. I followed the directions as indicated in my picture. Does anyone know the length of the bolts they have used? Thank you.:confused:
Spacer problem?

It looks like the problem is with the spacers and not the bolts. My spacers do not stick out like yours do. Make sure the Nord-Lock washers remain assembled in pairs with the beveled sides facing each other (looks like you have them correct).
Go Deeper Man!

I agree with Joe. The drive bushings (the ones in ur pic) that go through the prop shaft are not in deep enough. Try buffing them with scotch brite pad to get them to slide in deeper.
I went deeper!

After reading the suggestions, I removed all parts and started over....this time, the sleeves went all the way in. Must have been mis-aligned the first time. I have them finger tight at the moment, but all is well. Just another !@#$% on my part. Thanks again for the help. :)
Time for a little nappy!

Dont be to tough on yourself its all part of the adventure.;) Looks like you have the engine hung. You are making good head way. You are now ordered to get a good nights sleep and start fresh in the morning.:)
Page 47-03

I have written to Vans on this but still await a response. Per post #1 above it would appear that the prop pack contains 6 No AN5-15A and 6 No AN5-24A. Is this correct?
My pack has 12 No AN5-15A bolts, 6 of which are far too short to attach the front hub half with the S-1208 spacers inserted. Has anyone else had this issue?
I cannot find any information to confirm that AN5-24A bolts are the correct length either No information on drawings.