
Well Known Member
I'm in the market to replace the propeller on my RV-3. I currently have a Sterba 68"x66". I sent it back to have ED re-pitch it to 62" and something got screwed up. It made it worse. Now the prop is just a tad too much prop / pitch for the 0-235, and the prop is 15 years old.

The 0-235-C-1 is rated at 108 HP @ 2600 RPM. Red line is 2,800 RPM so I would like to turn it faster. I currently get 1970 RPM on take off (2-300 FPM climb) and 2500 full throttle straight & level @ 163 MPH.

Anyway, I'm looking around for a new prop and thought I would ask the crew your opinions of bands, features, sizes, ect.

I've looked at Sensenich's new ground adjustable. I like the ability to adjust it to what I need.

I've looked at Prince. Interesting tip and "inflight flexing" like have a CS prop.

I'll check out Catto.

Any and all thoughts welcome and greatly appreciated.
I like the Catto 2 blade myself. I've never seen a P-tip installed, but Craig has always nailed the pitch/diameter perfectly when i've gotten props from him for people.
I like the Catto 2 blade myself. I've never seen a P-tip installed, but Craig has always nailed the pitch/diameter perfectly when i've gotten props from him for people.

I've got an e-mail into him. Do you happen to know what the lead times is on 2 blade props right now?
Craig Catto says 4-6 weeks for a 2 blade prop. I ordered one today. He claims I'll add 15MPH top end and 1'000 FPM climb.

I'm pumped!
Are you sure he didnt say 4-6 months? I ordered mine back in April...just got an email saying it would be finished in 2 weeks. :D

Bummer you are not closer or I would let you try the Catto I have on my O-290. It shares the same bolts as your O-235.

My Catto is 68 dia X 64 pitch and is a great climb prop for the O-290 but leaves me cruise limited. I hit my 2600 RPM red-line at 64" power, which makes me think it would be perfect for an O-235.

Bummer you are not closer or I would let you try the Catto I have on my O-290. It shares the same bolts as your O-235.

My Catto is 68 dia X 64 pitch and is a great climb prop for the O-290 but leaves me cruise limited. I hit my 2600 RPM red-line at 64" power, which makes me think it would be perfect for an O-235.

I smell a deal!?
PM sent.
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Are you sure he didnt say 4-6 months? I ordered mine back in April...just got an email saying it would be finished in 2 weeks. :D

Copied from an e-mail....

No problem on getting you a 2-bladed within 4 to 6 weeks. It is my three bladed that are really back-logged.
Craig Catto

What did you do to make him mad so I don't do it? I need a prop now! :D
The 3-blades take a LOT longer for Craig to build, and has few advantages over the 2-blade. The 2-blade we ordered was delivered on time... little known secret in the world of the 'sexy' 3-blade.

2 blade = cheaper, ligher, easier to deal with cowling, faster lead time
3 blade = "sexy"
What did you do to make him mad so I don't do it? I need a prop now!

Ohh now I know what I did...I insisted on the 68x76 as opposed to the 68x74 that he recommended. I guess he has a little soup nazi in him "NO PROP FOR YOU"
The 3-blades take a LOT longer for Craig to build, and has few advantages over the 2-blade. The 2-blade we ordered was delivered on time... little known secret in the world of the 'sexy' 3-blade.

2 blade = cheaper, ligher, easier to deal with cowling, faster lead time
3 blade = "sexy"

2 to go, 3 to show.
Are you sure he didnt say 4-6 months? I ordered mine back in April...just got an email saying it would be finished in 2 weeks. :D

I hate to add insult to in jury, but Catto called to tell me my 2 blade prop will be here in 3 weeks. :rolleyes:

It's nice to have people. :D
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Hey, did you every talk to Sensenich about a metal 72CK? That's the one used in the O-235 C152 and they should be able to provide it in appropriate pitch for the RV-3. No RMP restriction like the 70CM used on the O-320 IIRC.

Well, I must say I am not impressed. The finish on the Catto prop is horrible. Pin holes in the paint, debris in the paint, Black paint is specelled with white showing though.

Very disappointing...... on the finish anyway, I'll test fly it tomorrow and see how it performs.
Whoa.....! This prop rocks!

The pitch is perfect for my application! Before I could only climb out at 500' per min on take off, now I'm at 1,100 FPM! Top speed increased by 14 MPH also! Straight & level full throttle is 2,800 RPM.

Craig Catto picked the prop right! Perfect!
Agreed, sounds like Catto got it right. You might not choose to cruise around at 2800 rpm but the guys at Lycon tell us that the engines will tolerate those rpms just fine.
RV3 x 2
Catto 2 blade
Simce this thread helped me a lot with our Prop (size) choice I'd like to spread our fresh knowledge.

We've ordered a 68*64 Ed Sterba prop for our O-235H2C equipped RV-3B. Got two "Liese"-type mufflers on that engine. Rated horse: 115 @ 2800 ; 108 @ 2700 ; 100 @ 2400.

Static RPM: 2250-2300 RPM
Climb rate: 800 ft/min
125 mph @ 2100 RPM
150 mph @ 2500 RPM
160 mph @ 2750 RPM (full throttle)

We're still fiddling a bit with the ASI since the EFIS shows other values than the mechanical unit, but those numbers we're the middle of both values and are around what seems to be realistic and was also measured by another plane flying next to our RV-3.

Overall the perfect choice and bang for the buck.