I will give you another data point to aid in your prop searches.

My rv4 is also 160 hp. I have a Bernie Warnke wooden prop, 70" diameter x 74" pitch. It is a cruise prop so they say. My typical takeoff roll at 500 MSL shows 2100-2150 rpm. I pitch for 100-110 mph IAS and usually see 1400-1600 fpm. If I gain a bit more speed before I pull up then I will see around 2100 fpm but eventually settle back around 1600 fpm at 100-110 mph. Cruise WOT I see 2550-2600 rpm, 180mph IAS, gps shows me 185-210 ground speed depending on wind. I tend to cruise from 2200-2400 rpm, and see IAS around 160 mph, and ground speed 165-185 mph. I have not made an effort to figure out my TAS, I just watch my ground speed. I am satisfied with these numbers. I know these numbers could possibly get a little bit better, but not sure it is worth the money to do so via prop. Maybe a port and flow will be better than a new prop.

edit...aircraft empty weight is around 970lb, I weigh around 170 lb, and I typically take off with full fuel.
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The best prop for my 160hp RV-4 is still unknown..the best prop I have used on it so far (and the only one)is my Sterba toothpick, which I bought used for 200 bucks and refinished to like new. I go fast,do it cheap, and don't worry about it much. I read all the posts (have ate lots of popcorn) and see numbers posted that I can never imagine. Pick one, and have fun!