Cool Brent, what sort of temp was the day ? was it also humid ?
At my first look, I thought you had started in a warp, in a time tunnel.
Thanks Jamie! It was early in the morning, temps around 70 and very high humidity. It was actually foggy just east of the field (to keep the video short that part didn't make it in there).
The prop rings are cool, but what is impressive is the narrow runway. I thought it was the taxi way!
The prop rings are cool, but what is impressive is the narrow runway. I thought it was the taxi way!

Thanks! Yes, it's 25' wide. Keeps me on my toes in crosswinds. Incidentally, I moved my airplane this week to an airport much closer to my house (not because of the narrow runway), but the drive time.
This is a fairly common effect that we get here in East TN.

I always think it looks cool!