
Well Known Member
I bought one of the little Van's prop pitch gadgets long ago but cant remember if there were any instuctions such as where to hang it on the blade for most accurate results. Anybody have that info?
I have both (they both came with my kit) and I prefer the vans one as it is metal and the digital level I has sticks to it magnetically.
I have both (they both came with my kit) and I prefer the vans one as it is metal and the digital level I has sticks to it magnetically.

The wood one comes in the box with the prop but is a pain to use and get accurate results easily because there is now easy way to attach a dig level to it so you need to hold the level against the tool while trying to rotate the blade.
Not easy to do.....
What prop setting do you use

I have the Sensenich 2A0R5 Revision E with the hub and Pitch Setting Gage. During my first two years of flying (for both me and my 12) I have used the power setting. Last evening at ~5200 cruise was ~105 knots. Interested to know what setting others use. (DA was ~3500'.)