
Well Known Member
I now have about 30 hours on my -12. I originally set the prop pitch with the #3 gauge supplied with the propeller. My static RPM was close to where it should be and I was satisfied with the overall performance of the airplane.

A week ago I ordered and subsequently received the new TOOL-00002 to help 'fine tune' the pitch adjustment. Firguring it had to be better, I went ahead and reset the pitch exactly as outlined in the newly revised section 47 of the KAI. When I got done, both blades measured 71.4 degrees on repeated checks.

After the adjustment, my static RPM was in excess of 5200. My cruise performance also took a bad hit. I guess I should not have messed with my original settings and success. Tomorrow, I'm going back to the original settings.

Has anybody else run into this issue using the new tool (and the 71.4 degree setting) or did I fumble this some how?

Note that the degree value prescribed is for initial assembly for a first flight. It should not be assumed that it will be the best value for all people ( different elevation home base airport, etc.).
The Sensenich prop gauge pin can't be used on a Neuform or other props. Sensenich says their pin gauges are close to where many may want to be and get you in the ballpark, but also state you may want to fine tune the prop by hand to achieve better and finer prop pitch & rpm tuning. The prop pins gauges are better for coarse tuning and many times you may want a different rpm depending on your specific circumstances from what the pin setup may be. Your individual needs may direct you to a different setting. Even Sensenich says you can do better by hand many times.

If you get approximately 5600-5650 WOT with a ground adjustable prop at your average altitude then you are in a pretty good spot for a balance between cruise, climb and fuel economy. Static rpm is good for ballpark setup, but there is nothing like a flight to fine tune.
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WOT target

I've noticed that aircraft weight has a sig. impact on WOT RPM readings at altitude. As fuel levels decline its easier to bust 5,500 in cruise. Targeting the recommended static WOT RPM of 4960 to 5020 (per Van's PAP manual) turned out to be the more straightforward way to get to the ideal pitch.
Mine was 69.xx using my own tool and the HF long level....I get a little above 5050 static WOT.... cruise sucks a little....but when taking off at 6000' and DAlt's of 8000'+ I never worry about getting off the ground.

Depends on your ops specs.
Thanks for the responses. This morning I reset the pitch with the #3 gauge, then fine tuned the blades to be equal with the digital level. My static is now back down to 5050 RPM, which worked well for me previously.