Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
I know this is a sacred cow but I'm going to ask anyway. I would like to get my hands on some first hand information from the dark side. I have a copy of Jeppesen's book "Aircraft Propellers and Controls" but I would like to delve into some historical information about experimental modification for speed enhancement. For example some years ago the Rare Bear team put a prop on their plane that was made from a mulit-engined plane's propeller (and Electra or a Neptune or something like that). This is such an obvious performance related item that it is impossible that this hasn't already been done many times - sometimes with disasterous results I'm sure. I will seek out a copy of Jack Norris' book recommended by John Huft but I would like to get into individual experimentation details as well.

Does anyone have such personal information or reference documets, etc.?

Bob Axsom
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Talk to the experts


You might call somebody who designs props professionally for the best info. They might give you some very good references, or even better a dose of their own experience. Hartzell's engineers were kind to me when I went looking for data.

The only hard prop data I have is for the P-51's propeller (paddle blade and the tapered blade), and I have full data sets for the Hartzell F7666A blade used on so many RV's, along with the map interpolation routine.

And, as you mentioned, this is a very touchy area. Lots of lessons learned the really hard way. Be very careful.
Oh yea I'll take the F7666 info


The only hard prop data I have is for the P-51's propeller (paddle blade and the tapered blade), and I have full data sets for the Hartzell F7666A blade used on so many RV's, along with the map interpolation routine.

And, as you mentioned, this is a very touchy area. Lots of lessons learned the really hard way. Be very careful.
Hi Bill, I love a copy of the routine to map & interpolation. I have some of some of the data already (Hartzell sent me). If you could email me ([email protected]) the routine, I'd appreciate it. I made a spread sheet to manipulate the data, but its clumsy. Thanks, if you'd be so kind send me what data you have as well. It's fun playing with the numbers. Clearly turning slower is more efficient.

PS: Bob there is no prop mod that will harvest more speed than planting a new cowl with round inlets and pressure plenum. :D A new prop will never gain 6 mph.

Seriously there are rarely major breakthroughs in prop efficiency, just small gains measured in fractions of a percent. The best off the shelf prop is the 72" BA prop. Those Hartzell guys are pretty smart and have optimized the 7496 and 7497 blades for us RV'ers. The 7496 might be a tad faster but the 7497 has less or no limitations. The BA props are 3.5 mph faster than the F7666 which is amazing. Remember I said no prop would give 6 mph, but they came darn close. That is really outstanding and it came from optimizing for an exact airframe and engine and mission. They basically found more thrust! (see table below) 1.7% increase in speed means 5.6% more HP or equivalent thrust. At 8000' you are 75% power, so 180 hp is 135 hp. Your prop is only 80% efficient so you really only have 108 hp of thrust. The Holy Grail is to get that 20%. Well a BA Hartzell on a RV, must be around 85% efficiency. In theory you can get up to 90% efficiency; I doubt its really practical. 100% will never happen.

If there is ONE THING I want to communicate is a PROP is not designed in a vacuum, the airframe and engine are intimately connected with the proper design of the prop. One size fits all does not hack it. That is why the Hartzell BA prop might as well have been called the RV prop. Any one that knows a little about props would be impressed that the BA prop took such a jump over the previous HC-C2YK/F7666, which is no slouch either. The F7666 blade is way faster than almost ever other fancy prop out there. The WW200RV prop is only 1.5 mph faster than the F7666 bladed Hartzell (but 2 mph slower than the BA prop). Not bad for a prop that was originally designed 30 years ago for Mooney's. The prop must match the drag of the airplane, the HP the engine makes and the altitudes it will fly at. It's pretty darn complicated because there are so many interrelated factors. Prop efficiency varies with changes in airspeed, altitude, rpm and hp to name a few factors. (table below)

As you know thin blades are better at high speed since the props are going near supersonic, at least near the tips. Of course thin metal blades and harmonics don't mix. The new BA 7496 blade was revised to the 7497, which is a little thicker, and therefore has less limitations.

One thing that bothers me about all GA props, fixed or c/s, lousy roots, which are needed for structural and practical reasons. Look at a P51, its all airfoil right up to a huge spinner (pic below). Most props near the root have all the aerodynamic qualities of a baseball bat or two-by-four. To get around the blunt part of the prop would require a new cowl, spinner. (Cafe Foundation tried it on a Mooney (pic below). It looks weird.)

By the way the blunt part of the prop blade near the spinner is why rectangular cowl inlets have issues. The prop is just beating the air to death near the cowl's inlets adjacent to the spinner.

Bob there are practical limits to dia and RPM. With a direct drive we are stuck with higher 2500-2700 rpms during a race or anytime you want to go fast. If you could gear-down the prop RPM and put bigger paddles (wider chord or more dia) you can increase efficiency. Ground clearance gets in there at some point.

In general the faster you turn the prop the less efficient it is. The trade-off is between more RPM for more HP and less prop efficiency. In general higher RPM means more thrust and more speed. Dave Anders found that 2,900 rpm works best. In general you make 2-5 HP more for every 100 RPM, depending on altitude. This means adjusting the prop gov. The Con is you're exceeding Lyc red line. The other Con could be high RPM harmonic limits with electronic ignition; the higher you go over red line the worse it is. Still many race guys run way over 2,700 rpm. Will the prop fly off? Probably not for a 30-40 minute race. That's your choice. By the way some Hartzell's are rated to an ultimate of 2,900 rpm! Still a harmonic limit is a different story. Probably wise to not mess with it. May be a composite prop would be better if you want to spin at 2,900 rpm? However composites tend to be thicker and less efficient. Its all trade offs.

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prop efficiency

"A new prop will never gain 6 mph."

Going from 200 mph to 206 mph would mean a 3% speed increase which would require 9.2% more efficiency. If you went from an 82% effficient prop to a 90% efficient prop, that would give it to you.
When Tom Aberle changed from his 2003 two-blade, with which he qualified at 221 mph at Reno, to his new three-blade, he set a new record of 241 mph. And that was at 250 less rpm! That was an efficiency increase of 40%! Then in 2006 he set a new record in the Gold at 252 mph with his new four-blade prop. That was an efficiency increase of 48% over the two-blade! With the new design concept used for these props, Jack Norris, in his new book on propeller design, says that now the upper limit on prop efficiency is 95%. The two props flown by Tom Aberle were running at least 90%! Not only do they convert horsepower to thrust more efficiently, they are also much more quiet!
Props and cowls

George gets close to an issue that I believe is key - the interaction of dead air in front of the cowl and the prop.

If pressure recovery happens in front of the cowl as is the case with either oversized round or rectangular openings, there is an area of dead air in front of each opening. Each blade will surely stall twice per rotation as it passes through this area, then struggle to reattach flow before whacking dead air again. There is a current trend towards bring cowl opening even closer to the blades which makes it worse.

If the cooling system is designed for internal pressure recovery as described by Chris Zavatson on his Lancair, no such area of stagnation occurs in front of the cowl openings.

The formula guys have it figured out. Extend the prop out as far as possible to eliminate interference with the airframe, long diffusers for pressure recovery, and a prop like Paul's that is effective right down to the spinner. I'll bet there is more than 10 knots in such a mod.
For example some years ago the Rare Bear team put a prop on their plane that was made from a mulit-engined plane's propeller (and Electra or a Neptune or something like that). Bob Axsom

It was a P-3 Orion prop, and the sound it made with those massive stubby blades at full race power was truly awesome. It would certainly put a quiver in your liver, you felt it more than heard it. No other racer on the course has had (in my 12 years Reno experience anyway) such a distinctive acoustic signature.
Let's just explain the calcs

"A new prop will never gain 6 mph."

Going from 200 mph to 206 mph would mean a 3% speed increase which would require 9.2% more efficiency. If you went from 82% efficient prop to a 90% efficient prop, that would give it to you. When Tom Aberle changed from his 2003 two-blade, with which he qualified at 221 mph at Reno, to his new three-blade, he set a new record of 241 mph. And that was at 250 less rpm! That was an efficiency increase of 40%! Then in 2006 he set a new record in the Gold at 252 mph with his new four-blade prop. That was an efficiency increase of 48% over the two-blade! With the new design concept used for these props, Jack Norris, in his new book on propeller design, says that now the upper limit on prop efficiency is 95%. The two props flown by Tom Aberle were running at least 90%! Not only do they convert horsepower to thrust more efficiently, they are also much more quiet!
Slow down. :D. You're throwing numbers around left and right. 40% increase? Well I'm not buying. From the 221 and 241 mph numbers that would represent in about 29% more efficiency. That is not likely either. The speed I believe came for more than a prop change alone.

What props are you talking about anyway?

I seriously believe he (had to) also add power or lower airframe drag. Even if your Reno friend was running 90% prop efficiency to gain all 20 mph, that means his old prop was 60% efficiency, assuming the prop made all the difference. Seriously with respect, the numbers don't fly. May be he flew BETTER that year? What where the temps? Winds? Any other airframe or engine mods? (likely if he's a racer) Your data is just not enough to draw conclusion.

Three blades tend to lose speed from two blades in lower HP aircraft (like under 300hp). The only ones who say three blades are faster on little piston planes are salesmen of three blade props. You don't even say what prop, plane and engine we are talking about? :eek:

The only way to tell the efficiency between two and three blades is side-by-side real world flight test. All the test I have seen for RV's, says three blade is a disadvantage, but you are right they're more quite than two blades. Even the theory says three blades is slower.

No offense, I don't believe the data or you're missing some data. Let me show you my calcs.

My Calcs for RV Hartzell BA 7496 *verses* Hartzell F7666
The speed increase was actually 205.4 to 208.9 or 3.5 mph. That is 208.9/205.4 = 1.017, lets call it 1.7%. Because speed increases with cube root of HP......... 208.9 = 205.4 * ( BA-HP/HC-HP)^0.33. HP was about 75% on 180 HP, I assume the HP or SHAFT HP to the HC-HP (F7666 blade) prop was 135 HP. Solve for BA-HP = 1.052 * 135 hp = 142 hp. So its like finding 7 hp due to the prop being more efficient. All this is a ball park est. The fact is it went 3.5 mph faster and I think that is about or like adding 7 HP. That is FANTASTIC and realistic and believable. 20 MPH gains from props alone is not any of those things.

I have Hartzell factory supplied (*theoretical*) data for the HC-C2YK/F7666-2 and -4. I don't have time to calculate the F7666's efficiency for Vans flight condition, but its in the 78% or better range. The BA prop is about 5% more efficient, meaning it turns more of the SHAFT HP to THRUST (HP). (*Theoretical because it does not include affects of airframe, but the data is from Hartzell engineering.)

So the thrust for the F7666 was 135 * .78 = 105.3 hp. The thrust for the BA (7496) is 135 * X = 112.3 >> X = 0.83 or BA prop is 83% (efficient for this ONE CONDITION). Efficiency can be higher or lower depending on conditions: (HP, rpm, airspeed, altitude).

What am I missing?

As far as 90% efficiency? Really, I find that incredible and hard to image, but it's theoretically possible. If there are props running at 90% on a RV, I would LOVE to see it. DO you have pictures? It's just hard for a prop at 2,700 rpm and +200 mph to be super efficient. On many planes the prop turns 1900 rpm, of course with a gear box, which is another thread.

The cowl affects efficiency, so unless you change the installation you may never get to 90% on some planes. I can't emphasize enough that installation (and airframe drag and engine) affects the prop. Look at the pics I posted. You need something aerodynamic behind (or far away) from the blades. That is the biggest point I'm trying to make, the airframe affects the prop and 90% is hard to get in the real world. The installation of ANY prop on a RV will cost efficiency apart from the props specifications alone. They interact. Also high speed (racing) at high RPM tends to be at lower prop efficiencies. The second point is controlled test to isolate and compare prop performance, since we often are talking a few MPH difference.

Most good RV props, like a Hartzell BA peak in the 85% range, and that peak will not be at top speed flight. Fast does not mean efficient. Controlled test as Van's Aircraft did cut the myth & folklore. There are no magic props, just the best compromise for that airframe, installation and engine. For a RV the Hartzell BA or Sensenich fixed props are about as good as you can get.
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Jack Norris kept saying that you want a smaller area at the tip not a blunt ended prop.

He said the WW RV200 was the smartest design out there and that they really got it right. He kept talking about Mach at the tip and how the Hartzell people ALMOST got it right with the Blended prop, note the smaller tip and then he went on to explain that Hartzell was compensating for somethin'

He had picts of the radical Elp.. Sp? from Reno but those are only made for fixed pitch. IIRC Jack Norris sounded like he knows Aberle.

Jack also mentioned Rare Bear and IIRC said something about, the plane makes so much power that the prop was what they could get???

Jack also says that there are three pages in his book that sum it all up but he would love to sell you his book.

Maybe I'll attend the bakersfield banquet where Jack Norris is to speak at in Jan.

that's what I heard FWIW
"Slow down. . You're throwing numbers around left and right. 40% increase? Well I'm not buying. From the 221 and 241 mph numbers that would represent in about 29% more efficiency. That is not likely either. The speed I believe came for more than a prop change alone."

Let's see: (241/221)^3 X 3500/3250 = 39.65%; this assumes that HP is directly proportional to rpm. Sorry; I rounded 39.65% to 40%! If you'd like to see pictures of these props, check Sportsman Pilot, and Contact! magazine, The three-blade is in the Fall 2004 on Tom Aberle's "Phantom", then also on "Phantom" and "Miss Gianna" in Fall 2005, then the four-blade can be seen on "Phantom" in the Fall 2006 and 2007 issues. Several people have called into question whether there was a HP increase or drag decrease from 2003 to 2004, including a well-known engine mod shop in CA who claimed that the engine was different; it wasn't! Ask Tom! There was a HP increase from 2005 to 2006, but most of the increase came from the four-blade turning more rpm, the same as the two-blade turned in 2003. His speed increase was actually higher than had been estimated from the rpm increase! Jeff Lo was originally going to get the four-blade design made for "Miss Gianna" for 2007, but was talked out of it and into going with a different prop that would give better performance. It didn't, so they raced the three-blade from 2005.
"There are no magic props, just the best compromise for that airframe, installation and engine."
These props actually are "magic"! Jack Norris in his book says their design principal is better than the best proposed by the masters Betz, Goldstein, and Theodorsen. Some incorrect notions die hard! Past performance differences where two-blade props had better cruise speed than three-blade props was attributed to something they called "tip loss" and then this eventually made it into the "everyone knows" lore as "theory"! Then others attributed this difference to interference, even though the blades in cruise track totally independent helices.
I'll look into it

"Slow down. . You're throwing numbers around left and right. 40% increase? Well I'm not buying. From the 221 and 241 mph numbers that would represent in about 29% more efficiency. That is not likely either. The speed I believe came for more than a prop change alone."

Let's see: (241/221)^3 X 3500/3250 = 39.65%; this assumes that HP is directly proportional to rpm. Sorry; I rounded 39.65% to 40%! If you'd like to see pictures of these props, check Sportsman Pilot, and Contact! magazine, The three-blade is in the Fall 2004 on Tom Aberle's "Phantom", then also on "Phantom" and "Miss Gianna" in Fall 2005, then the four-blade can be seen on "Phantom" in the Fall 2006 and 2007 issues. Several people have called into question whether there was a HP increase or drag decrease from 2003 to 2004, including a well-known engine mod shop in CA who claimed that the engine was different; it wasn't! Ask Tom! There was a HP increase from 2005 to 2006, but most of the increase came from the four-blade turning more rpm, the same as the two-blade turned in 2003. His speed increase was actually higher than had been estimated from the rpm increase! Jeff Lo was originally going to get the four-blade design made for "Miss Gianna" for 2007, but was talked out of it and into going with a different prop that would give better performance. It didn't, so they raced the three-blade from 2005.
"There are no magic props, just the best compromise for that airframe, installation and engine."
These props actually are "magic"! Jack Norris in his book says their design principal is better than the best proposed by the masters Betz, Goldstein, and Theodorsen. Some incorrect notions die hard! Past performance differences where two-blade props had better cruise speed than three-blade props was attributed to something they called "tip loss" and then this eventually made it into the "everyone knows" lore as "theory"! Then others attributed this difference to interference, even though the blades in cruise track totally independent helices.
Thanks I'll research it, but I now see you are talking fixed props on Reno formula Biplane racers.....that explains a lot. I can tell you are excited by all the exclamation points. That is cool stuff. I hope you(?) make props for RV's in the future so we all can go 20 kts faster. :)

The Reno guys have ONE condition to run at, WOT, +4000 rpm in little light single seat airframes w/ no drag. The prop parameters don't relate to RV's. A constant speed prop is a different ball game. You are talking about big model planes with a person in it. A prop that works on a C-130 would not work on our tiny RV's. You may be onto something but not sure it can translate to RV @ 2,700 rpm, 160-200 hp, 200 mph.

I don't have a 100% handle on Reno Biplane racer's props & engines, so I'm at a disadvantage. I hunted around the links and found some stuff on the Phantom. I see the little formula biplanes and weird fixed props. That explains a lot. Constant speed props, turning 2,700 rpm is a different deal than fixed pitch props on little engines turning crazy RPM's. More RPM does mean more HP of course. If you under pitch and are willing to run WAY OVER red line, you can go faster. Comparing apples & apples at the same non race RPM's, you'll not find the gains reported for racing.

I'm not familiar with, Miss Gianna (found picture) or Sportsman Pilot magazine. I know a little about Contact magazine. It sounds cool. I've was told the quality went downhill with "Contact", so I never subscribed.

I looked at both magazines web sites. I'm not sure about their journalistic standards. I'm sure "Contact" & "Sportsman Pilot" rags are fine, with a grain of salt. They Contact is Pro anything experimental, which is cool. The skepticism is minimal. If something really works, I hope it makes it to us mortals flying RV's at 210 mph and 2,500 rpm.

40% or 39.65%? I can wrap my mind around that, but fixed props and higher RPM's is a different, and interesting. I would say its not necessarily efficient, just fast. You really lose efficient ops when you turn high RPM, but you can go fast. I don't have the references you quote. I remain confused, impressed and incredulous all at once. :D

Here is the wild looking "ELIPPSE" Propeller, by Paul Lipps: (are you Paul Lipps?)

(I can see how may be the area and tip issues are addressed, interesting. I found an article
where Paul explains his approach eloquently, Proof is in the eating of the pudding.

As far as 2 v 3 blade props and tip loss myth, with RV's its more about constant speed MT verse Hartzell, so blade thickness and design are factors, but number of blades is not just myth and lore or tips.

When you have 160 HP or 260 HP the design of a prop with two blades it's sufficient and efficient. Adding more blades does allow smaller diameter but you usually end up with excess prop area. Its like a mono plane and bi-plane, they both work, but one will always have more drag. Spinning more blades is like having more wings. If you have 500hp, 1000hp or 2000hp, multi blades - 3 or 4 and more start to earn their way, due to other practical needs, like more blade area while keeping the diameter smaller. If you need it you need it. For most GA planes you don't NEED it. May be ELIPPSE found a way around that. May be its just good for racing in small planes turning 4000rpm?

Its not just tip issues or dirty air, its the overall prop design and blade loading (which again has to match the airframe and engine / HP). If 3 blades are good, than 4 is better; than why not use 8 blades? It does not work that way. Up to about 250-300 hp is the tipping point. However the RV-10's go slower with three blades, partly because its also a MT, with the thicker blade than a metal Hartzell. You can go with a metal three blade Hartzell, but weight gets to be an issue.

I would bet money that a Sensenich Fixed prop is faster than a Catto or "ELIPPSE" three bladed prop at 2,700 rpm on a RV. Reno racers and RV need way different props. However its cool stuff and I like to learn more about the little Reno Racers. It's the only class people who are not rich can race in. The Sports Man class is already got too expensive to be competitive.

From Sportsman Pilot Magazine your referenced,
Sample article: Spring 2003 issue, "Cory Bird's Symmetry"

I could only go about 180 knots before it would be over-speeding the
engine. I did some calculations and figured that I needed about 13 more
inches of pitch. I started grinding on the blades and added six inches to
the diameter, then covered it with carbon fiber and clear urethane. Now
at full power and 2,800 rpm, I get about 240 knots. I picked up 60 knots
with just that one modification
, but that was another couple of month's

That sounds incredible but I believe it: 1) Original prop was lousy, it didn't match airframe or engine. 2) The engine RPM was way high due to way low pitch and area. This is an example where you can say he increased prop efficiency but in context. He did not gain over say a Sensenich; he gained over a homemade prop. I bet a Sensenich (if they make one for an IO360) with proper pitch and go fast. RV's w/ constant speed props will not see gains like this. With fixed pitch, yes you see things like this. You can only optimize for one condition. I suspect your Reno examples is a case where the prop to start with was poor and exaggerated the gains of the new one.
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Sportsman Pilot

I have subscribed to Sportsman Pilot for several years. It is published by editor Jack Cox and co-edited by Golda Cox in Asheboro, North Carolina. I just pulled out the fall issue from my magazine rack and inside the front cover it states:

One year subscription rate for U.S. is $12.00; Canada and Mexico $15. Overseas $20.00, payable in U.S. currency only. Address subscriptions and correspondence to: Sportsman Pilot, P.O. Box 400, Asheboro, NC 27204-0400.

All of the articles are written by Jack Cox and many of the photographs are taken by Golda Cox. I would be greatly surprised if you do not know these two classic people. They produced Sport Aviation for EAA for all of it's good years (decades) and he is the only writer I know that goes into the airplane and the builder/restorer/owner/pilot in depth without losing the subject in self love and pretentious diction. I am shutting down subscriptions to all of my other aviation magazines that do not come with membership including The RVator but Sportsman Pilot will remain active as long as Jack and Golda put it out.

In the Fall 2007 issue that I picked up at random there is a photograph of Tom Aberle's four bladed Phantom on page 7 and Jeff Lo's three bladed Miss Gianna on Page 10.

Paul Lipps has been written up in Sportsman Pilot for his Lancair, his ignition and especially his propeller designs.

Bob Axsom
Thanks Bob

Yea sounds great. EAA mag has been somewhat a disappointment and I'll give Sportsman Pilot and Contact a try. Yea it just occurred to me Paul makes props. Cool. I feel dumb but he does not have his name at the bottom. If it does not have Hartzell on it, I don't pay attention. I saw a thread where he will offer these props for RV's. I can't wait. The style looks interesting and addresses my complaint about three blades having too much area for our HP. Structurally it will be a change to make those thin skinny blades work. I'll shut up and let the mad scientist invent the next cool thing. :eek: :D

I was thinking you had a Hartzell prop or Sensenich? May be you need one of the first ELIPPSE props for RV's!

I have to admit some cynicism hearing the next greatest fixed pitch prop announced over the years. They all seem to do the same thing or just fail. One big KEY to better prop performance is better airframe and engine performance. They can make each other look good, especially lower airframe drag. Speaking of lower drag, Bob hows the work going on that new Cowl inlets and Plenum coming? :rolleyes:
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"Adding more blades does allow smaller diameter but you usually end up with excess prop area. Its like a mono plane and bi-plane, they both work, but one will always have more drag."
When you design for a given CL, the area will be the same no matter how many blades, so more blades will have a smaller chord. But more blades is not like two wings of a biplane. There you have the interference that takes place between the intercepted area of each wing which lowers the overall intercept area and mass flow, which is where the Munk factor comes in. It shows the extra induced drag of the biplane depending on spacing and stagger. This does not happen with multi-blade props. Each blade sweeps out its own helix. Having a four-blade prop of the same diameter as a two-blade results in each blade sweeping out an equal volume of air which will be twice the volume of air of the two-blade, swept area times forward speed. That's more equivalent to having a higher aspect ratio wing where intercepting a greater volume of air, m-dot V, mass flow rate times velocity, results in a lower induced loss. That's why you can reduce the diameter of a four-blade but keep the swept volume as the two-blade for the same induced loss, but have lower tip speed, where most of a prop's losses occur. On my prop, shown in the picture, each blade sweeps out a path 25" ahead of the next blade. My O-235 has 125 hp at 2800 rpm, 28.4" MAP. I climb at 1550ft/min at 1350 lb, 110 mph IAS, 2410 rpm, 1000' dalt. The calculated efficiency at the point is 82%. Peter Garrison, using my data, thought it was more like 84%. So far my estimated efficiency is at least 90% at 10,000' dalt, 201 mph TAS, 2800 rpm. Prop tips produce no lift but have very high parasite drag CD at their high speed which gives lots of drag at the very high dynamic pressure present. That drag is proportional to the chord and is multiplied by the tip radius to give the torque acting against the engine. The greater the tip chord, the greater the hp loss. Big loss, no lift, zero L/D!
When are you going to make some RV props

"Adding more blades does allow smaller diameter but you usually end up with excess prop area. Its like a mono plane and bi-plane, they both work, but one will always have more drag."
When you design for a given CL, the area will be the same no matter how many blades, so more blades will have a smaller chord. But more blades is not like two wings of a biplane. There you have the interference that takes place between the intercepted area of each wing which lowers the overall intercept area and mass flow, which is where the Munk factor comes in. It shows the extra induced drag of the biplane depending on spacing and stagger. This does not happen with multi-blade props. Each blade sweeps out its own helix.
Well why did you not post your article Paul? It explains it all. It makes sense. It addresses several areas that never seemed right about props, like the root area. I'm also a proof is in the pudding eating kind of guy. The Biplane Reno results where dramatic. The plane with your Ellipse prop was way faster. So when are you going to make props for RV's? :D

I agree not a great analogy, but if you don't design a biplane properly it can be way worse. Having one bad wing is better than having two bad wings, that was my point. Adding a third so-so blade does not make it better, it just makes it even more so-so. Also a mono plane has no worries about wing spacing, stagger or relative incidence/dihedral. Adding another blade takes more engineering and things like tip chord become more critical. Adding another blade can hurt more than help, but if you optimize for three blades and the engine and airframe like you have, three blades can be a positive. The prop theory says so. However 3 or 4 blades is never automatically goodness even if theory says so, especially if material/structural/physical limits don't allow you to optimize the blade.

Classic prop theory says more blades = more efficiency not less, so the myth is wrong, but the real world results show multi blade props often give up top/cruise speed performance (for other advantages like climb). It's not a myth just the fact despite theory. Unfortunately it seems things get lost in translation when adding blades time & time again, at least in our class of plane. Why?

I think you've addressed it with your unique prop (dia., chord, planform, airfoil, twist, tip). Cool, I agree with what you say. I appreciate how you got more efficiency at the root; you did not ignore it. I appreciate having a super-thin-narrow-chord tips with a laminar airfoil. Why not. I guess some might say your ultra thin tip might not be durable or damage resistant?

The case of the MT three blade props being significantly slower than two blade Hartzell's on a RV is the real world example. What's going on? Its not the 3 blades as much as the blades them self. For one they're wood composite blades, which are thicker than Hartzell metal blades. This is where practical limits and compromises come in. Your prop does look delicate, no offense. Structurally it's fine I'm sure, but if a rock hits the tip, it looks like it might distroy it, just from inspection of the picture. I realize its a trade off to get more aerodynamic efficiency. You say the tip can deflect easily to the touch on the ground but rigid when spun. That's interesting, what material did you use?

Having a four-blade prop of the same diameter as a two-blade results in each blade sweeping out an equal volume of air which will be twice the volume of air of the two-blade, swept area times forward speed. That's more equivalent to having a higher aspect ratio wing where intercepting a greater volume of air, m-dot V, mass flow rate times velocity, results in a lower induced loss. That's why you can reduce the diameter of a four-blade but keep the swept volume as the two-blade for the same induced loss, but have lower tip speed, where most of a prop's losses occur.
I've come to the conclusion many 3 & 4 blade props are not designed properly. Two blade props have poor blade design as well, but having less blades is an advantage if your blades are poor. The Hartzell BA was optimized for the RV and gets the best top speed for RV's. The Sensenich is almost as fast or even faster if you are willing to turn a tad over red line. A fixed pitch prop can be more efficient of course, at least in one flight condition, like high speed cruise or top speed at a given altitude. It will be fun to get some of your props on RV's and do fly-off's against other props.

As far as diameter / chord, you can reduce it only so much. Looking at your prop you can't get much thinner or narrow chord, right? At some point you can have too many blades, because you can't practically shrink the blade dia/chord any more. Where a C-130 and 4,300 hp is going to have 4 or 6 blades (because it needs them to absorb the HP). Metal blades weight is a factor on number of blades. With composite the trend has been to more blades. The case in point is the C-130, the old ones had three and four blades and now they have 6 sweeping composite blades.

On my prop, shown in the picture, each blade sweeps out a path 25" ahead of the next blade. My O-235 has 125 hp at 2800 rpm, 28.4" MAP. I climb at 1550ft/min at 1350 lb, 110 mph IAS, 2410 rpm, 1000' dalt. The calculated efficiency at the point is 82%. Peter Garrison, using my data, thought it was more like 84%. So far my estimated efficiency is at least 90% at 10,000' dalt, 201 mph TAS, 2800 rpm. Prop tips produce no lift but have very high parasite drag CD at their high speed which gives lots of drag at the very high dynamic pressure present. That drag is proportional to the chord and is multiplied by the tip radius to give the torque acting against the engine. The greater the tip chord, the greater the hp loss. Big loss, no lift, zero L/D!
Makes sense. I believe it, going to get the file the tips on my Hartzell pointy! :rolleyes: Those tips on your prop are so thin and the chord is narrow. It does look radical but the Reno Racer hauled tail. Clearly the prop contributed to the performance. Lets get some on RV's.

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Does this mean that you're off Hartzell's payroll now?

(Sorry; couldn't help myself!):p
I use a constant 15% thickness all the way to the tip in my design; 12% to 15% thickness is ideal both from the standpoint of L/D and strength. There is an RV-6 flying with a three-blade prop I designed, and it was made by Fred Felix. It is flying on the 150 HP, auto-fuel RV-6 of Jim Smith of Wichita. Jim has made four separate runs with this prop at baro altitudes of 4000', 6000', 8000' and 10,000'. The best performance speed-wise he has seen is an average of 191.5 mph TAS at 7000' dalt, 2740 rpm. We found that there was a lot of improvement to be made to his pitot/static system, which showed IAS errors of about 9-11 mph. He finally corrected this by placing a 1/16" thick washer, that had been cut in half, immediately behind the rivet static-port, cut end forward. At 1440 lb he was getting rates-of-climb of about 1300-1400 ft/min at 95 mph IAS at 2000' baro alt, and averaged 1032 ft/min from 2000' to 10,000' at 95 mph IAS, with rpm at 2300 at 2000', decreasing to 2175 rpm at 10,000'. With his previous two-blade prop he did a run from TO to 10,000' where he averaged 700 ft/min. One thing of note: with his two-blade prop his OAT showed the normal drop of temperature with altitude increase. The first two data runs with the three-blade showed an almost constant temperature with altitude increase! I had him move the OAT sensor from his cabin-air inlet to inside the tail-cone and the temperature went back to the normal drop with altitude on the next two runs. I saw the same effect on an RV-9A I had tests run with my two-blade prop design, and I think what is happening is that this design has very little blockage of the airflow in the root region due to the continuation of the airfoil and the true helix angle all the way to the spinner, and so the flow of air into the cooling inlets is so much greater that air flows in, gets warmed, and then flows out and down the side of the fuselage where it enters the cabin air inlet and heats the OAT sensor. It would be interesting to get some side-by-side tests of Jim's plane with others of the same stock 150 HP, both for speed and climb, and also try this prop on an RV-6 of 150 HP equipped with the Sensenich. I wouldn't want to hear of other's speeds with their props if they base it solely on IAS as opposed to TAS from average GPS ground-speed tests. Also, I only trust density altitude data using forecast temperatures since I have also seen way too much error in OAT sensor mounting that exhibits stagnation temperature rise with speed, as much as 7.5 F at 200 mph TAS! That's 63' dalt/deg F. My dual OAT sensors on my Lancair, one behind the rear wing-spar and ahead of the flap, and one in the tail-cone, both agree in flight and agree with forecast temperatures at altitude. If your density altitude is incorrect, then your conversion from IAS to TAS will also be in error.
George Andre, who finished second in the gold Formula 1 at Reno this year, tested an elippse prop and it was slower than his conventional prop. He did not use it in the race.
Our secret

George: Does this mean that you're off Hartzell's payroll now? (Sorry; couldn't help myself!):p
Don't tell them, shhhhhhhhh, ha ha, excellent Smithers.

I wouldn't want to hear of other's speeds with their props if they base it solely on IAS as opposed to TAS from average GPS ground-speed tests.
Great points on OAT and accurate flight test data gathering. You make good points about flight test data. The RV'ers are pretty good about data. As a group have pretty good discipline in measuring speed. When a someone post data that is not compete we jump on them. Many have Airdata recorders through their EFIS and Eng Monitors.

We RV's Van-O-holics have a pseudo standard benchmark we have kind of agreed on to compare speeds: WOT @ 8,000' dalt & 2,500 rpm. We tend to also use GPS three leg averaging and a spread sheet to factor for wind (a couple versions floating around). We also record(or should record: IAS, Baro and OAT at minimum.

For temp, besides the OAT gauge, I always get local ground temp and subtract the 2C per thousand and/or check the FT (winds and temp aloft forecast). There has been much discussion in VAF forums about measuring OAT and probe location. Do you account for RAM rise or just indicated OAT? Because RV's are going well over Mach 0.20 its something to think about. The problem is the temp recovery factor for RAM rise is unknown for our temp probes usually. Most guys have EFIS with an electical probe, not the typical Cessna or Piper mechanical "meat thermometer" poking out the windscreen or air-vent. Of course most spam cans are going less than 0.20M, so RAM rise or total air temp (TAT) is not critical.

Do you have any RV data with a Lyc with before & after switching to your prop, from a know configuration, like a Sensenich, Catto or Hartzell?

Are you making props for sale?

"It would be interesting to get some side-by-side tests of Jim's plane with others
of the same stock 150 HP, both for speed and climb, and also try this prop on an
RV-6 of 150 HP equipped with the Sensenich."

That would be cool. I'd like to see that.

Two things about prop claims I have seen independent of our discussion:

1) It's hard to nail down true difference between props and prop manufacture claims unless you
fly different props on the same plane or two equal planes side-by-side, which is the best way.

2) Most manufactures don't do any comparison to competition and probably don't want to,
so all the fly-off data comes from Van or RV folks like Randy and John.

Manufactures are happy to let their relative prop performance remain unquantified. Most recent tests and prop fly-offs where around constant speed props. It's time we have a fixed pitch prop fly-off / round-up. I have to admit my prejuduce for the Sensenich for many reasons, not the least of which is performance. The metal Sensenich allows re-pitching and the thinner blade is more efficient. Also metal are less maintenance than wood or even wood composite in my opinion. Wood props require rechecking torque from time to time. As far as prop weight, Van's latest models the RV-7 and RV-8, need or are designed for more nose weight. A light engine / prop combos tends to shift the CG too far aft for full utility of the aft baggage compartment. My point is the Sensenich is the Standard by which others should/could be judged. However for RV-3/4/6 there's nothing like a light 320/wood prop combo.
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12-13-07 Status

I have looked at the inputs here and received private inputs and I have called a prop shop in Oklahoma. My conclusion is that the prop can be made better for the airplane and its operating speed range but it is risky. Prop shop people are are interested in the idea in theory/science and application/engineering but are extremely reluctant to go beyond that. The guy I talked to in Oklahoma has been in the business for more than a quarter century. He said virtually the same thing as John Huft about twisting the blades - it's dangerous as **** and you shouldn't do it. He did mention adjusting the stop in the hub to allow a greater pitch angle as an alternative. I have seen that my prop contacts the rear bulkhead already and in a google search I ran across a forum where Glassair people were talking about stacking washers to give greater bulkhead clearance. I'm going to let this stew for a while as I work on some other things but eventually it will not be denied more attention. The potential is too great to ignore.

Bob Axsom
in a google search I ran across a forum where Glassair people were talking about stacking washers to give greater bulkhead clearance. I'm going to let this stew for a while as I work on some other things but eventually it will not be denied more attention. The potential is too great to ignore.

Bob Axsom

I have used washers to stack for the clearance on my Super 8 hartz c/s. Remember this just displacing the rear bulkhead, it is not changing anything as it relates to the prop hub to the crank flange.
So far it has not fallen off or caused me any issues.
He did mention adjusting the stop in the hub to allow a greater pitch angle as an alternative. I have seen that my prop contacts the rear bulkhead already and in a google search I ran across a forum where Glassair people were talking about stacking washers to give greater bulkhead clearance.
If the prop is actually hitting the coarse pitch stop in service, the governor would no longer be able to control the rpm, and the rpm would increase higher than the selected rpm and stay there until you either slow down or pull the power back. I would have expected that you would notice it if this happened. If you aren't having a problem with the rpm staying higher than selected, I would expect there is no point to increasing the max coarse pitch.
F7666 Performance, hard numbers

I have Hartzell factory supplied (*theoretical*) data for the HC-C2YK/F7666-2 and -4. I don't have time to calculate the F7666's efficiency for Vans flight condition, but its in the 78% or better range.

Very good, George. You're spot-on with that comment, but above about 202 mph, we don't even get 78% out of this prop. And these numbers don't account for fuselage blockage effects.

I got engineering data from Hartzell back in 1999, and distilled it in my own spreadsheet:

F7666A Propulsive Data, 180HP, 75%, 8000MSL

As you can see, the F7666 doesn't even break 80% above 195 mph at typical operating RPM of 2500 and 8000MSL. It gets worse at higher RPM. I was surprised to see such poor numbers - made me wonder if we've been using the wrong prop on the RV's all these years. Its not too hard to find better performance (80-85%) elsewhere. The Hartzell BA section is better, but I don't have data for it (yet).
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That statement is really incomplete unless you know all the facts surrounding it and can post them for a complete performance evaluation. That was just a test prop which was to be used on several racers to determine their equivalent parasite drag area from which a race prop matching the plane's drag and power could be designed.
Which statement Paul? More info Kevin

That statement is really incomplete unless you know all the facts surrounding it and can post them for a complete performance evaluation. That was just a test prop which was to be used on several racers to determine their equivalent parasite drag area from which a race prop matching the plane's drag and power could be designed.

Which statement are you talking about Paul? I assume it is the one about your prop on the F1 racer - your clarification is a good one.

[Kevin Horton quote - If the prop is actually hitting the coarse pitch stop in service, the governor would no longer be able to control the rpm, and the rpm would increase higher than the selected rpm and stay there until you either slow down or pull the power back. I would have expected that you would notice it if this happened. If you aren't having a problem with the rpm staying higher than selected, I would expect there is no point to increasing the max coarse pitch.]

I did not mention it but the prop man I was talking to said the governor would have to be adjusted as well. In the telephone conversation I could tell that he was thinking as he was talking and that sometimes lets tecnical details get overlooked but he seemed to have a good grasp of the subject and saw some potential equivalent to changing the twist of the blades without the risk.

[Kahuna quote - I have used washers to stack for the clearance on my Super 8 hartz c/s. Remember this just displacing the rear bulkhead, it is not changing anything as it relates to the prop hub to the crank flange. So far it has not fallen off or caused me any issues.]

I saw the contact marks on my aft spinner bulkhead and I assume this is limiting the high pitch rotation of my prop blades. This change will involve the spinner interface with the forward bulkhead or the rear bulkhead but that is just a task to be dealt with (slots is one option) but I wonder what difference you saw in performance.

Bob Axsom
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"We RV's Van-O-holics have a pseudo standard benchmark we have kind of agreed on to compare speeds: WOT @ 8,000' dalt & 2,500 rpm."

The trouble with that is if the prop is designed for rated rpm at 8000' dalt, you obviously can't fly it at WOT and get 2500 rpm unless you're in a climb. Throttling it back to 2500 rpm isn't any good either. I usually do the speed comparison based on the cube-root of the rpm ratio times the speed. This, of course, assumes that over a small percentage of rpm difference that the hp is linear with rpm and that the speed change isn't so great as to do a noticeable change in MAP from dynamic pressure. So going from 2500 rpm to 2700 rpm should result in 8% more power which should give about 2.6% more speed, as from 190 mph to 195 mph. In the case of Jim's 150 HP RV-6, I would estimate that in going from 191.5 mph at 7000' dalt, 2740 rpm, that he would get about 202.5 mph TAS with 180 HP at 2700 rpm with a similar efficiency prop. In my equations I account for total recovery of dynamic pressure added to the outside baro pressure, along with the total rise of induction temperature due to stagnation. Remember, 5.2F rise will cause 1% less power, and at 200 mph the total temperature rise is 7.2F, which would cause a power loss of 1.4%. I am going to try to find the typical induction drop from fuel vaporization so I can account for that also. I only use forecast temperatures aloft since all of the testing I have done with other planes shows significant OAT and IAS errors! I base my engine power estimates from MAP on a sea-level MAP of 28.4" for carbureted engines since the typical sea-level MAP is 28.4" on a 29.92' pressure day, which is what is on the O-320 data sheet from Lycoming for the S-M MA carb. On injected engines I use about 0.3" drop in the induction system as a WAG. BTW, in giving an in-flight weather report to Flight-Watch, I asked if he wanted total or static temperature and he didn't know what I was talking about!
So going from 2500 rpm to 2700 rpm should result in 8% more power which should give about 2.6% more speed, as from 190 mph to 195 mph.

Don't forget you lose propulsive efficiency when increasing from 2500 to 2700 RPM. That's a big factor.
Its a Benchmark Paul

"We RV's Van-O-holics have a pseudo standard benchmark we have kind of agreed on to compare speeds: WOT @ 8,000' dalt & 2,500 rpm."

The trouble with that is if the prop is designed for rated rpm at 8000' dalt, you obviously can't fly it at WOT and get 2500 rpm unless you're in a climb.
What? :eek: :rolleyes: If you have a constant speed prop its possible. The best you can do with fixed is throttle back to 2,500 rpm or accept the rpm you get with WOT and make note or the variation. Even Van ran into this with his Prop shoot-out/round-up of 8 props. 7 of the 8 props where c/s, one was a Sensenich fixed. The Sensenich did not cooperate and turned 2,750 rpm WOT @ 8,000 feet Dalt, leaned to max power. So Van did a little math and estimated that the extra 250 rpm was worth about 3-mph (210.9 to 207.9 mph). Yes its hard to compare fixed and c/s props at WOT, but may be that' good, the way it should be. We could just compare fixed prop planes only with fixed prop planes and c/s with c/s. Or we could make a two special benchmarks, one for fixed pitch and c/s prop planes? (Vans prop test)

Throttling it back to 2500 rpm isn't any good either. I usually do the speed comparison based on the cube-root of the rpm ratio times the speed. This, of course, assumes that over a small percentage of rpm difference that the hp is linear with rpm and that the speed change isn't so great as to do a noticeable change in MAP from dynamic pressure. So going from 2500 rpm to 2700 rpm should result in 8% more power which should give about 2.6% more speed, as from 190 mph to 195 mph.
Yea BUT....:D You're right but that's why c/s props are more efficient in cruise, you can vary blade angle of attack optimally. I suppose all the c/s props in Van's fly-off could have all ran at 2,700 rpm, so they would have been closer to the fixed prop. However the purposes was not to compare the fixed prop with c/s props. Most folks in the real world don't run 2,700 rpm in cruise, especially when equipped with c/s props (and with gas costing $5/gal). It's more efficient to turn the RPM down and keep the MAP up. A benchmark can be anything. This is just one benchmark that is practical and quasi represents 75% cruise.

Paul: We (RV'ers) have decide on a BENCH MARK so we can more easily compare our planes. It's not perfect but it works and you can vary slightly from altitude or rpm if you want, there is no law against it. Its a fair way to do it. It may not be ideal for a fixed pitch prop; it's just a convention not a MUST.

In general 8,500' is a good cruise altitude, so it's a benchmark. Well actually Van uses 8,000' for his performance spec or benchmark. May be 8,500' or even 9,500' would be better, especially for cruise evaluation (leaned to best power 100F-150F rop). RV's have very good induction & typically pull more than 75% power at 8k or even 8.5k dalt. It's common for RV's at 8,500' to pull 21.5" to 22.5" MAP or more. So @ 8,000', 22"/2,500 power is about 77%, a tad too much to lean but close enough (depends on temp). So may be 9,500' would be a better altitude. If a RV'er wants to record and report at 8.5 or 9.5 than fine.

Most guys & gals flying c/s props select 2,400-2,600 rpm, so 2,500 is a good average. If everyone follows the benchmark or tries to come close, its an easier apples to apples comparision. one density altitude, one throttle setting, one power 75% or less, one mixture - best power and yes one RPM - 2,500 rpm. Van publishes speeds specs for all models at 8,000 feet and 55% and 75% power. A standard to compare all RV's by. It's not perfect or will make all happy.

We could use std sea level conditions, full 100% power, max RPM, but that is not practical for everyone. Its hard to do and unsafe to fly fast low to the ground.

When a guy flight test his new RV and reports their speed at odd powers, altitudes and does not give temp and baro, it is harder to compare. This has nothing to do with optimal prop conditions. In fact, if its to the detriment of the fix pitch so be it. Most guys do not want to cruise at 2,750 all day. The fix pitch pilot has a choice, throttle back or get a big bending bar out and increase their prop's pitch (if its metal). If their prop is wood/composite its harder to change pitch.

In the case of Jim's 150 HP RV-6, I would estimate that in going from 191.5 mph at 7000' dalt, 2740 rpm, that he would get about 202.5 mph TAS with 180 HP at 2700 rpm with a similar efficiency prop. In my equations I account for total recovery of dynamic pressure added to the outside baro pressure, along with the total rise of induction temperature due to stagnation. Remember, 5.2F rise will cause 1% less power, and at 200 mph the total temperature rise is 7.2F, which would cause a power loss of 1.4%. I am going to try to find the typical induction drop from fuel vaporization so I can account for that also. I only use forecast temperatures aloft since all of the testing I have done with other planes shows significant OAT and IAS errors! I base my engine power estimates from MAP on a sea-level MAP of 28.4" for carbureted engines since the typical sea-level MAP is 28.4" on a 29.92' pressure day, which is what is on the O-320 data sheet from Lycoming for the S-M MA carb. On injected engines I use about 0.3" drop in the induction system as a WAG. BTW, in giving an in-flight weather report to Flight-Watch, I asked if he wanted total or static temperature and he didn't know what I was talking about!
I'll have to think about all that, and it is sounds interesting. I did not think about all the factors. I'm just talking about RV'ers comparing their plane to another plane by reporting a benchmark speed in REAL WORLD conditions (or as close as you can get it).

The benchmark is suppose to practical and achievable for most planes. It would be better to prescribe a set MAP and RPM, but again not all RV's have a MAP gauge. Even so fixed and c/s prop comparisons are problematic. The BEST we can do in this case is like what VAN did, allow the the RPM to exceed the benchmark or just make a note of it. This is not theory.
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I looked up evaporation fuel temperature drop in CF Taylor and it said that with gasoline it could be 44F, but in practice it is more like 20F to 24F. However, we then have the temperature rise in the induction tubes in the oil pan which heat up the flow. So, it's anybodys guess! My fixed-pitch prop designs show a fairly flat peak efficiency curve vs TAS and rpm over range of about +/- 10%-15%, so it's fairly easy and accurate to estimate performance at other rpm-speed. The true test of a fixed-pitch prop is for you to measure the effective pitch of the prop in level flight at several different TAS and rpm. EP = TAS,mph x 1056/rpm. It should come out to a very constant value within 1% or less.
comparative chart seen yesterday

I saw a small range chart ( covering Airspeed 120 to 220 KTAS on the x axis and Propeller Efficience 0.83 to 0.885 on the y axis) providing a 74" Propeller Performance Comparison by analitically predicting cruise efficiency at 8,000 ft, 131 Hp @2400 RPM with a Constant-Power Airspeed Sweep. The chart showed a peak for the blended airfoil 7496 blade to peak at approximately 0.879 and ~185 KTAS then slowly decay to 0.878 at 200 KTAS. The non blended Hartzell 7666-2 peaked at approximately 0.8555 and ~165 KTAS then decay relatively steeply to 0.836 at 200 KTAS.

The blended airfoil prop predicted efficiency was never less than 1% (0.01) better than the non blended prop and that was at 140 KTAS. The positive difference increased from there.

Bob Axsom
90% Efficiency

As far as 90% efficiency? Really, I find that incredible and hard to image, but it's theoretically possible. If there are props running at 90% on a RV, I would LOVE to see it. DO you have pictures? It's just hard for a prop at 2,700 rpm and +200 mph to be super efficient. On many planes the prop turns 1900 rpm, of course with a gear box, which is another thread.


I'm trying to understand how propellor efficiency is calculated? Look at the following formula:

Speed in knots = RPM (hundreds) * Pitch (inches) / 12.15

This formula has no basis in aeronautical engineering but is simply based on the common sense assumption that in an ideal world the propeller will propel the aircraft forward by a distance equivalent to the pitch for every rotation of the prop. I can show you the calculations but it's pretty simple to derive from first principles.

I've done some 8000ft testing with my Sensenich 85" equipped RV6. If my propellor/airframe combination was 100% efficient, then I would achieve a TAS of 188.8 kts. In reality I get approximately 171 kts (at 2700 rpm).

These numbers are entirely consistent with what other RV pilots are reporting and on first inspection it appears that I'm in the order of 90% efficient. What you guys are saying is that this is not possible, which leads me to believe that my simplified interpretation of efficiency is incorrect.

What am I missing?

'm trying to understand how propellor efficiency is calculated?
The purpose of the propeller is to take rotational power from the engine and turn it into thrust. If the propeller was 100% efficient, all the power that it received from the engine would be turned into thrust. In the real world, this is not possible, for the same reason that we cannot make a wing that produces lift without having any drag - the prop blades are like wings, and the drag of the prop blade consumes some of the power that is fed into the prop. Propeller efficiency = (thrust power produced by the prop) / (engine power used to turn the prop).

The power produced by the prop = thrust * speed. So, prop efficiency = (thrust * speed) / (engine power).

You can see that it would not be a simple matter to determine prop efficiency just based on flight test data. There is no simple way to know exactly how much power the engine is producing, unless you have instrumented the crank with strain gauges to measure torque. And, there is no simple way to measure the amount of thrust that is produced while in flight.

Generally speaking, propeller manufacturers take the detailed geometry of their prop, and use basic aerodynamic principles to calculate the angle of attack at each location along the blade. The prop is like a wing, and the angle of attack of each part of the blade determines how much thrust the prop will produce, and how much power will be required to turn it. The predicted thrust and predicted power are used to calculate the predicted efficiency.

The airflow through the prop is also affected by the shape of the cowling, as the air near the prop hub is blocked by the cowling, so it is pushed outboard, which changes the angle of attack at each part of the prop blade. The prop efficiency predicted by the prop manufacturer assumes some nominal amount of blockage from the cowling. If your cowling is a different shape, then this will change the prop efficiency a bit.

Don't get too hung up worrying about prop efficiency. The values you see may or may not be accurate, so there is no point to focusing on them. Instead, look at more basic performance data, such as speed vs fuel flow, etc.
Two points

(1)There is no simple way to know exactly how much power the engine is producing, unless you have instrumented the crank with strain gauges to measure torque.

(2)Don't get too hung up worrying about prop efficiency. The values you see may or may not be accurate, so there is no point to focusing on them. Instead, look at more basic performance data, such as speed vs fuel flow, etc.
Excellent points and I agree but two comments:

(1)The engine manufacture has figured out what % power its making with MAP and RPM. With accurate gauges and temp you can approximate the power with out strain gauges to measure torque, :rolleyes: (but torque and RPM is the classic measurement or definition of power).

(2)I think we should get hung up about it in that a MT prop is 8 mph slower than a Hartzell BA prop on the same engine and airframe. THAT IS efficiency. :D


Speed in knots = RPM (hundreds) * Pitch (inches) / 12.15
TAS of 188.8 kts. In reality I get 171 kts (2700 rpm).
What am I missing? Regards,

Your equation is a ball park. It assumes ideal screw (prop) I guess? There's a big diff from 188.8 to 171 kts, like 34.5% difference in thrust? 171 kts is right at Vans spec, so your prop is fine but no where near 90%. Your simplified equation makes assumption, but its too ideal by 10% obviously. I've seen it before; its a ballpark. From Vans data the Sensenich [72FM8S9-1 (90)] was 1 mph slower than the BA Hartzell @ 8k, 2,500 rpm, so you're in the +80% range? Thats good.

Kevin is right there is theoretical efficiency and real world efficiency. Theoretical is easy to compare with a computer program and mathematical equations (more complicated than your example). Here is a LINK for the basic definition of Prop equations; getting the coefficients is easier said than done. As Kevin said, you think measuring or knowing power is hard, measuring thrust in flight is really hard (but it has been done). The math to calculate the Ct (coefficient of thrust) is too involved to talk about here. Somewhere the engineers use a mix of math and flight test data to validate or correct each other. With the parameters, coefficients you can calculate theoretical efficiency, which is very simple J * Ct/Cp, where J is the advance coefficient. J = v/nD; v-airspeed, n-RPM, D-diameter. So in general less RPM or Dia efficiency goes up. Higher airspeed efficiency goes up (if RPM and Dia are constant). Of course Ct/Cp is changing and that's more involved, but again you can see RPM and Dia have a big effect on efficiency. Like a wings L/D curve a prop has a Thrust/Drag curve so to speak. The wild thing about a prop is its spinning and the blade is at different velocities and angle of attacks along its length. The prop is twisted and highly tapered.

The problem with the theoretical is the prop is affected by the airframe. The only way to determine "installed" efficiency is flight test. That's what we really care about, flying and climbing faster. The prop does not exist in a vacuum. It's interconnected with the efficiency of the engine & airframe. One prop does not fit all. A prop has to made specifically with the engine, airframe and mission in mind. There are other factors like cost, weight which figure in.

The BA prop has the advantage of being made for the RV, a derivative of a prop that had been made for 30 years for high performance single engine planes like the Mooney. The little tweaking Hartzell did squeezed about 5% more efficiency out of the existing design, when used on the RV.

The older Hartzell is generically a 78% efficient prop, the BA prop is about 82.5% in high speed cruise. I say the BA prop is 82.5% efficient, there are other conditions where it's more efficient, may be close to 90%, but this is a real world condition, not an extreme or impractical corner of the envelope. You can say a prop is 90% efficient, but if you never fly in that condition or the engine & airframe don't allow it, it does not matter. 90% is the theoretical assumed max. To get 82.5% is pretty amazing for a practical real world condition with an everyday prop. Often racing props are very thin & have narrow structural margins and are one trick ponys.

Measuring prop efficiency between props is hard to do, since prop efficiency is tied to the airframe, engine efficiency & flt conditions. The best way to measure the difference between two props is have two near exact planes flying side-by-side. Measure climb rate and speed difference, with the same power (MAP/RPM); this is proportional to efficiency. That's why its hard to verify prop makers claims, there's just no easy way to do apple-to-apple checks. We have the work of Randy, John and Van, who tried several props on their planes, taking good flight test notes.

A constant speed prop gives us control over RPM, which is a big player in efficiency. In general the slower the tip speed the more efficient the prop is. Tip speed is a function of: RPM, Diameter and airspeed. Airspeed adds to the resultant tip speed vector. However there is a down side of low RPM, the engine makes less power and therefore you go slower, but the prop is more efficient. (Why not a gear box PSRU? long story)

In general airframes are more efficient at slower speeds, less parasitic drag. If you are willing to fly at best long range cruise speed (L/D max x 1.32 approx), you can increase range and endurance, but it might take an hour longer to get there. The nice thing about a C/S prop is it works at high and slow speed, since you can adjust RPM, which indirectly changes props pitch or AOA. The prop is reasonably efficient over a broad range. A fixed prop will play along, but its peak efficiency falls off faster from ideal form the designed flight condition, which is usually cruise. Where a fixed prop is right at its sweet spot, its as efficient as a Hartzell. Sensenich did a good job of making a prop w/ overall excellent cruise performance with good takeoff/climb. The Hartzell will smoke the Sensenich in climb and takeoff. However if your airframe is clean and light, you will have such good t/o and climb pref it will not matter much. I'm not down on fixed props. If you can afford the cost a C/S prop, its best efficiency wise, but the Sensenich is a good compromise and less expensive. Wood props offer lighter weight and use to be cheaper. However many of the fancy fixed wood/glass props cost as much or more than a Sensenich metal prop. Performance wise I think the Sensenich is the better performing fixed prop. The other manufacturers are not lining up to prove how good their prop is compared to the Sensenich. Hummmm wounder why?

A fixed pitch prop is efficient only at one condition, less efficient in all others. On take off RPM is to low or in cruise w/ WOT, RPM might be too high. The c/s prop has an ideal condition, usually its cruise, but losses are less in other conditions, like takeoff & climb, where pitch is reduced (high RPM), allowing the engine to make more HP. Even at high RPM, efficiency is OK on takeoff and climb because airspeed is low. Cruise on the other hand, calls for a lower RPM for better efficiency at higher airspeed. You'll go faster w/ higher RPM to a point, but its like driving 100 mph verse 65 mph down the freeway, one is more economical. Both will get you there but one burns more gas (and might get you a ticket). :rolleyes:
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7666 data - from where?

I saw a small range chart ( covering Airspeed 120 to 220 KTAS on the x axis and Propeller Efficience 0.83 to 0.885 on the y axis) providing a 74" Propeller Performance Comparison by analitically predicting cruise efficiency at 8,000 ft, 131 Hp @2400 RPM with a Constant-Power Airspeed Sweep. The chart showed a peak for the blended airfoil 7496 blade to peak at approximately 0.879 and ~185 KTAS then slowly decay to 0.878 at 200 KTAS. The non blended Hartzell 7666-2 peaked at approximately 0.8555 and ~165 KTAS then decay relatively steeply to 0.836 at 200 KTAS.

The blended airfoil prop predicted efficiency was never less than 1% (0.01) better than the non blended prop and that was at 140 KTAS. The positive difference increased from there.

Bob Axsom

Bob, what was the source of this data? Its hard for me to accept such small differences between the F7666 and the 7496 BA propellers. We know the BA prop will outperform the F7666 by a good margin, like 5 kts cruise. My data is good hard information from Hartzell engineering. The 7666 isn't anywhere near as good as these numbers suggest. And we know from real-world test the difference is alot greater than 1%.

George - Right on! Prop efficiency matters - ALOT. Consider adding 5% to your propulsive efficiency. If we're talking about 200 lb thrust (typical) then its easy to predict speed change, which varies by the square root of the thrust ratio (or the cube root of the power ratio):

SQRT(210/200) = 1.0247 this is our speed ratio (new/old)

If we did 190 mph before the change, now we're doing 194.69 mph. This for a 5% propulsive gain, and I think we have our fingers on numbers like this when comparing Hartzell 7666 against the 7496 and more than that compared with MT.
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The Source is Confidential

The source is confidential but I don't think that matters in this case. The difference in the predicted efficiency of the two props is not linear and it is not 1% across the range of the prediction as you can see by comparing the numbers. I am looking at the chart (which is confidential) and will interpret the efficiency of the two props at the KTAS points mentioned earlier. This is a straight interpretation of the chart and the numbers look reasonable to me.

140 kts:

7496 0.8575 (85.75%)
7666-2 0.8465 (84.65%)
Diff. 0.0110 (1.1%)
Relative improvement = 0.0110/0.8465 = 0.012994684 (1.3%)

165 kts:

7496 0.8750
7666-2 0.8555
Diff. 0.0195
Relative improvement = 2.3%

185 kts:

7496 0.879
7666-2 0.848
Diff. 0.031
Relative improvement = 3.7%

200 kts:

7496 0.878
7666-2 0.836
Diff. 0.042
Relative improvement = 5%

Bob Axsom
Excellent points and I agree but two comments:

(1)The engine manufacture has figured out what % power its making with MAP and RPM. With accurate gauges and temp you can approximate the power with out strain gauges to measure torque, :rolleyes: (but torque and RPM is the classic measurement or definition of power).
The engine manufacturer has figured out % power for a nominal engine, without too much wear on the engine, if you lean it exactly to achieve best power. But, there are engine to engine variations, the power changes over the life of the engine, and we rarely lean to best power mixture. And very few guys have calibrated engine gauges.

Coming up with an approximate installed power number is easy. But, if we want to use this number to measure prop efficiency, we probably need a fairly accurate power number. Getting an accurate measure of installed power is not so easy.
I get something different

Your efficiency numbers sound way too high for a 74" F7666-2. I have the data for the 7666-2.

Running what Hartzell gave me and your 165kts, 8,000 ft, 131 Hp @2400 RPM, I get efficiency = 0.815 (On the plane it would be worse, but this is theoretical). Here's the output:

Flight Conditions:
165.0 KTAS @ 8000. ft ISA
131 hp @ 2400 rpm

Flight Mach Number: .257
Tip Mach Number: .758

Cp= .068 ; J = 1.130
Ct= .049 ; Thrust = 213. lbs.
Blade Angle at 0.750 radius = 26.9
Efficiency = .815 <<<<<<<<<<<

Did you measure 165kts at 8,000 ft (std day), 131 Hp @ 2,400 or did you just pick these numbers? It sounds reasonable.

You can put in estimated numbers you assume, like low airspeed, high HP, low RPM and calculate great efficiency. If just comparing the two props, using the same input parameters, than sure its an OK way to compare, but the absolute values are not realistic. Like there is no way you will do 200kts at 131hp, 2400rpm @ 8,000 ft, which is efficiency=0.745. It would be nice if our RV's did 200kts with that thrust but the prop will be less efficient. The faster you fly the less efficient the prop is.

What if you took the above and went 2,700 rpm. Your HP would be say 139.5 hp? So the extra Hp would up the speed from 165 kts to 168.5 kts. The new prop numbers are:

Flight Conditions:
168.5 KTAS @ 8000. ft ISA
139.5. hp @ 2700. rpm

Flight Mach Number: .262
Tip Mach Number: .845

Cp= .051; J= 1.026
Ct= .040; Thrust = 220. lbs.
Blade Angle at 0.750 radius = 23.7
Efficiency = .790 <<<<<<<<<<<

The interesting thing is prop efficiency went down from 0.815 to 0.789, but you will go faster (more Hp more thrust even with loss of some efficiency, right at least in this case). You can see more thrust, about 7 lbs worth. Now these are made up numbers or estimated HP and airspeed numbers. 8.5 hp gain for 300 rpm, giving 3.5kts is not unrealistic, at least on paper. The higher you climb, the less hp increase you get with RPM increase alone. Of course at altitude MAP is limited, you're at WOT. You get what you can get. Going from 131/180=73% power to 139.5/180=78% power of course sucks more fuel. Assume the numbers are true, we gained 3.5kts (4 mph) and fuel burned increased 0.66 gal/hr. So in 4 hours you go 14 nm further for 2.64 gal, or you save 6.3 min which subtracts a gal of gas. About 1.5 gal to save 6 min. At $4/gal means flying faster cost about $1/minute saved. It could be worth it? In the real world going from 2,500 rpm to 2,700 rpm I found speed increased only 2 or 3 mph. It's hard to measure 1 or 2 mph changes. Some report losing speed by increasing RPM in cruise! Remember it depends on your Prop Dia, airframe and engine. If your engine is huffing and puffing and all you do is increase RPM with out making more Hp, it hurts. BTW clean your air-filters, that can waste Hp. Last the 74" v 72" questioning. Actually a 72" prop has higher efficiency shifted to slightly higher airspeeds and/or rpms. The larger Dia will provide more thrust at low speeds or better efficiency such as in climb. How much? May be 100 fpm more? However a 74"er will be a little slower than a 72"er in high speed cruise.
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You high speed efficiency numbers for a 74" F7666 prop sound high. I have the data.
There is more than one data set for that prop floating around. The official data set is based on nominal cowl blockage which is probably more typical of type certificated aircraft. There is also another data set created by Les Doud that uses cowl blockage based on the RV-6 cowl profile. Maybe that is the data set that Bob has.


Thx for your reply. The 5% diff between the two is what I'd expect to see, knowing the real world performance difference. Strange your source is confidential though - this isn't proprietary to Hartzell.

In my work, the 7666 performed rather poorly above 190kt or so. It poops out at higher tip mach, with the paddle shape carrying lots of area outboard on the blade and not running an optimized airfoil out there either. The 7496 improves in all areas, and will run off and hide from the 7666 all other factors being equal.
WOW! You Guys are G-o-o-o-o-o-d!

"The 7496 improves in all areas, and will run off and hide from the 7666 all other factors being equal."

This quote from Bill Wrightman's post really hits me where I live. Over the past couple of years I have been cleaning up drag areas to compete in the AirVenture Cup Race and the SARL races (Sport Air Race League - but the blended airfoil prop guys are "running off and hiding from me" with my 7666-4 blades. Now, being a racer at heart, I would like something more than a "me too" solution but that is the best I have seen so far - a very expensive solution. Catching John Huft in his single wide RV-8 with with well over 200 hp from his specially modified engine, extreme attention to detail on drag reduction AND the Hartzell blended airfoil prop, in my RV-6A is an elusive dream but every reduction in MPH difference in our speeds at the end of a race is very sweet. It has been stated by various sources that twisting my prop would (not could) improve the speed of my plane. This would be a difficult implementation and a significant risk but the idea will not not leave my mind.

Bob Axsom
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1-10-08 Update

( This provides instructions for converting back and forth between fixed pich and constant speed propellers. I want to get that in the post before I forget it. I am still in the first quarter of Jack Norris' book "Propellers..." ($14.95 +2 or 3 dollars for shipping, and there is still a veil of uncertainty but not as much as there was a few weeks ago. I cannot speak for anyone other than myself because all interests are individually prioritized. I am looking for speed and I am willing to compromize the other flying concerns (max climb rate, fuel economy, endurance, TBO-within reasonable limits, etc.). In my 22 years of owning a fixed pitch prop airplane I lusted for a C/S so when I built my RV-6A I bought the one that seemed to be the very best one available. As I have flown and raced the plane over the past four years I at first suspected and now I know the performance of the Hartzell 7666-4 is not providing the best speed my plane can achieve and all commercially available props fall into the same basket. I have found for reliable sources that the extreme performers (John Huft excepted) have had the twist on their props changed. The solution to my search for improvement has lead me to believe the following:

- The Hartzell 7666-4 is worse than the blended airfoil 7496 bladed 72" prop by approximately 3 mph as reported by Van.
- The efficiency of the new 7497 bladed Hartzell blended airfoil is not as efficient as the 7496 B/A prop.
- Having the 7666-4 blades retwisted and trimed for maximum speed on a specific airplane is dangerous but effective.
- A fixed pitch custom prop customized for racing on a particular airplane is the best solution.

More to study, more to learn and hopefully a good course of action for more speed in the future.

Bob Axsom
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Custom Constant Speed Propellers

Bob Axsom;188013(Stuff Cut) - The Hartzell 7666-4 is worse than the blended airfoil 7496 bladed 72" prop by approximately 3 mph as reported by Van. - The efficiency of the new 7497 bladed Hartzell blended airfoil is not as efficient as the 7496 B/A prop. - Having the 7666-4 blades retwisted and trimed for maximum speed on a specific airplane is dangerous but effective. - A fixed pitch custom prop customized for racing on a particular airplane is the best solution. More to study said:
You could add another option:
A custom made constant speed propeller for racing on a particular airplane.

One of my customers owns the Pirahna. This is a one of a kind aircraft. It is powered by a Lyc. 360 180 hp engine and had a custom aluminum 2 blade propeller. And it was just a little faster than his son's HR2.
I had MT Propeller design him a 3 blade CS propeller that met his criteria. The Pirahna is still a little faster than his son's HR2.
This was not an effort to provide him with a racing propeller. We did not want to compromise his performance in any other area. Take off and climb performance was also important. Mainly because of the 120 mph stall speed of the aircraft.

Jim Ayers
Custom Aircraft Propeller -
A division of Less Drag products, Inc. - A MT Propeller distributor
What improvement can you give?

What kind of improvement can you give over Hartzell with 7666-4 blades. So far I see the Hartzell blended airfoil props (7496 and 7497) and Paul Pipps' Ellipse prop giving about 3 mph increase over my 204.6 at 6,000ft density altitude at 2730 rpm. What is your best suggestion and cost? I need to find 22 mph to be competitive with John Huft.

Bob Axsom
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Different CS propeller?

What kind of improvement can you give over Hartzell with 7666-4 blades. So far I see the Hartzell blended airfoil props (7496 and 7497) and Paul Pipps' Ellipse prop giving about 3 mph increase over my 204.6 at 6,000ft density altitude at 2730 rpm. What is your best suggestion and cost? I need to find 22 mph to be competitive with John Huft.

Bob Axsom

Hi Bob,

From my conversations with Tracy Saylor about his RV-6, he got to 230 mph tias before he found he needed to modify his propeller.

A friend of mine with a RV-6A 180 hp Lyc. 360 and Hartzell 7666-4 prop increased his top speed by 2 mph at 7,500' density altitude by reducing the engine RPM from 2,700 to 2,600 RPM. The reduced RPM increased his airspeed from 201 to 203 mph tias. At your slightly lower altitude, your peak airspeed may occur between 2600 and 2650 RPM. Just my guess.

Unfortunately there is more to clean up on the RV-6A than a RV-6.

My thoughts: Reduce the drag until there's nothing left to do.
Then get a custom CS propeller to improve on the speed you can actually achieve.

The Pirahna is flying in the 250 mph range with the 180 hp Lyc. 360 engine and MT propeller. That is the design speed for his MT Propeller.

Jim Ayers
Hi Bob,

From my conversations with Tracy Saylor about his RV-6, he got to 230 mph tias before he found he needed to modify his propeller.
What is "tias"? Is that true airspeed, or indicated airspeed, or indicated airspeed corrected for instrument error, or indicated airspeed corrected for instrument error and position error (which is actually calibrated airspeed) or "true" airspeed calculated from an IAS reading? Or something else altogether?
What kind of improvement can you give over Hartzell with 7666-4 blades. So far I see the Hartzell blended airfoil props (7496 and 7497) and Paul Pipps' Ellipse prop giving about 3 mph increase over my 204.6 at 6,000ft density altitude at 2730 rpm. What is your best suggestion and cost? I need to find 22 mph to be competitive with John Huft.

Bob Axsom

I've been following your post becuase you do a lot of racing but you should really stop trying to benifit from others experimentation and refinement and do some stuff on your own. If others can re-invent the wheel so can you.
Anyone can assemble a fast airplane using all the aftermarket race mods, takes a real experimenter to improve the breed on his own. Try it, you'll like it. Maybe some day someone will want to buy a Bob Axsom part.
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What is "tias"? Is that true airspeed, or indicated airspeed, or indicated airspeed corrected for instrument error, or indicated airspeed corrected for instrument error and position error (which is actually calibrated airspeed) or "true" airspeed calculated from an IAS reading? Or something else altogether?

"true" airspeed calculated from an IAS reading.

No calibration or correction.

Very useful in obtaining comparable data on one aircraft.
Totally worthless in comparing data between two different aircraft.

(Comparable data - Data obtained that is repeatable and can be compared.
Repeatable data - Data that can be obtained on two or more different flights and provides the same data.)

Jim Ayers