
I have a new (old stock) Woodward 210-105 prop governor on my new RV8 that is giving me fits. It cycles just fine on the ground but does nothing once I get airborne. I have taken it in to the local governor shop and they put it on their test stand and it checked out just fine. The internal plug is in the "B" port and I have run the control rod adjustment both in 2 turns and out 3 turns from the factory setting with no success. I have another 210-105 installed on our 7 that I swapped out and it cycles the prop as it should. I am about out of ideas and almost ready to bite the bullet and buy a new one from Vans. Only thing keeping me going is my stubborn engineering streak and the fact that I like the old Woodwards. Anyone out there have any ideas I could try?

Does the engine change RPM with throttle? I.E. acting like fixed pitch? Whats your oil pressure?
I had an old Woodward, freshly overhauled on my plane for 100 hours or so. The RPM would wander. Never was happy with its performance. Bought a Jungfrau? (Sorry about the spelling) from Whirlwind. Worked so much better.

Has it ever worked in your plane, in the air or is everything new? Can’t think why it would work on the ground but not in the air. WW sent me a loaner when I was having issues. Maybe you could try another, or different kind before buying a new one.