
Well Known Member
well I have a hartzell prop on my RV7 and after 175 hours I was doing the condition inspection and saw I had cracks developing on the doubler on the spinner backplate. So I removed and reinstalled the doubler and backplate. I thought the cracks developed from perhaps poor edge dressing or deburring, but think I was wrong. So I called Brian Wallis and asked if I felt vibration through the rudder pedals which I did not. So he drove down from ATL and balanced my prop. We went from .335 IPS to .03 IPS. Feels so silky smooth now it amazes me. I should have balanced it when I initially installed the prop.

I am amazed how wonderful these machines are and more importantly the people associated with RV's. Top notch! I would recommend to everyone the importance of balancing your prop, Brian does an outstanding job. Brian we will go flats fishing next time you are down!
Thank you sir

Thank you sir. All the credit goes to Dynavibe. Guys, I saw his old backplate. It's a mess. Thank you for the kind words. I do not work for Dynavibe but I do a ton of balances and they support me at a moments notice anytime I have a question. It's like getting your cholesterol checked. You may not know it's high but it will cost you eventually if it is. I own both of their FW units. The old unit used some math on a pad of paper with multiple runs and a bit of Kentucky windage. I still love it and still use it. The new one is like having the college professor give you all the answers for the exams. I LOVE the real time charts and polar graph. It shows me everything that rotates and not just the prop. I'm a lucky man to be surrounded by good people. Because of Dynavibe, I got to see South Florida and I get to go fishing!!!!! BAM!!!!
Brian Wallis
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