
Does anyone know where in Northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin that I could take my RV-12 in to have the prop balanced. I am not interested in spending $1500 on a Dynavibe (although looks like it would work very well). I just adjusted/aligned the prop pitch and re-sync'ed the carbs. No huge vibration but would be nice to have the balance done once. One less thing to think about! My -12 is just coming up on 400 hrs and is a sweet running machine!

Balance near Denver

I, too, am looking to have my RV 7 balanced. Does anyone know of someone in the northern Colorado area who does this? My schedule is very flexible. Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Jim
Does anyone know where in Northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin that I could take my RV-12 in to have the prop balanced. I am not interested in spending $1500 on a Dynavibe (although looks like it would work very well). I just adjusted/aligned the prop pitch and re-sync'ed the carbs. No huge vibration but would be nice to have the balance done once. One less thing to think about! My -12 is just coming up on 400 hrs and is a sweet running machine!


I had my -12 balanced down here in Indy if you want to come this far However, the prop was in perfect balance out of the box. No need for any weights.