
Well Known Member
When I saw the engine mount /walker combination I was reminded how much fun both "Projects" are.
How about a post with your favorite pic of your kids in your project/finished RV.
Here's mine: circa 1994, my son Alex (now 17), and daughter Haley (now 15), in my 2nd RV4.:D

Do grandkids count? Here's mine testing the loop capabilities of the project.

Audrey Reeves working on her plane...


And flying it....

Jon, I moved this thread into 'General' from 'Test'. This is a wonderful thread you've started...

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This is where it is at. I've been jabbed all in good fun a time or two for having capabilities without kids, but you guys have something even better. Thanks for sharing.

Mine were a bit older when I got started on this. This is my son just before his first solo flight in the F1. I think I was more excited than he was.
My Boyz !

Here's Chris helping on the 8 project and my son Jeff below match drilling the bottom fuse skin.


Here's Chris flying one hand in our RV-4 while I took the pic. (gotta get him some cool sunglasses next time.):cool:
97RT_CJ 003.jpg

And here's Jeff (with his :cool: sunglasses)
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He may not be a kid anymore (completing his 4th. year of Med. School) but here is Philip on his one and only ride before the ol jump school hit ol Black Magic thingy. I love the smile. Brian was yet to get his ride. That will change here shortly. Great, great times in the garage together building.


Megan to Milwaukee to see the Art Museum:


Ryan to Montana to go fly fishing:


Kate to South Bend to see Grandma and Football:

4 Boys including Me

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My wife has 4 boys to contend with if you include the biggest kid not shown.
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how 'bout a video?


My project is 3.5 years old. My kids are 5 and 7, so my project has been a big part of their life. My father and I have also had a standing "date" every Saturday morning at my shop for the past 3.5 years. Life has circled and evolved around this silly hunk of metal.

And here's Jeff (with his :cool: sunglasses)

How great is that!! What a difference a good pair of shades make!! You guys with kids and grandkids are a lucky bunch...But then you wish you had our bachelor freedoms right...RIGHT!! Tell us we are the lucky ones will ya!!! We need that...NOBODY tells us anything...all kidding aside...these pics are priceless
Man, I can't wait to add something worthwhile to this thread!
One piece of the puzzle is due to arrive late in February... and the other piece is on the FedEx truck as of this afternoon...
Starting early (7 days old)

My wife and I just had our first baby, a little girl. This was her first adventure into Dad's shop.

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Count me in.

Here is some of mine:

Sydney (almost 8 in this photo) is in charge of cleco's:


Mary insert rivets (almost 4 in this photo). She has her finger on a rivet and I use the squeezer to set it.


Mitchel runs the gun (13 in this photo):
This is a pic of my son, Thomas, helping with the build. He's 10 yrs old. He's been a tremendous asset, and I couldn't have built the wings without him. Waiting for fuselage delivery now.:D We've already planned a warbird paint scheme with his name on one side of canopy and mine on other.:)



Man, I can't wait to add something worthwhile to this thread!
One piece of the puzzle is due to arrive late in February... and the other piece is on the FedEx truck as of this afternoon...
Hey, Congrats on both. Hope both packages are delivered in good health.
Especially the Feb. one ;)

Jim, looks like your beautiful baby wins hands down for the youngest helper ! :)
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Welcome !!!!

Jim, welcome to you and the family.

Glad to have you aboard.

Congrats on your baby, and the first post.
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another future RV pilot

My kids were about 3 and 6 years old when I started my -6A project. By the time of first flight we had added another one; now ages 12, 15, and 18. So they don't really know what life is like without an airplane project in the garage (or house for the years we didn't have a garage...). Family is one of the reasons this project took me so long, and I wouldn't change a thing.

Here's my son checking on progress during wing construction many years ago (he has done a lot of flying with me, including some Cessna 140 airplane camping, and definitely wants to get his license and fly this plane, but I haven't convinced his sisters yet - by the way, the Cessna 140 trips did slow my RV progress as well but the memories we share were worth it and again, I wouldn't change a thing):


You can see in the picture above that the wing construction was one of those phases without a garage - that airplane shop was a bedroom in the house we lived in at that time.

And the picture below, taken just after my first flight on 25 October 2008, shows my now much taller/bigger son with his little sister (she's younger than the tail section of my RV):


Airplane building I hope will be a great retirement activity for me someday but for those still raising a family, take heart - it can be done (slowly) without completely giving up your family time!