Did you purchase a project in progress?

  • I purchased a project (tail/wings and/or fuse) in progress from another builder

    Votes: 29 15.1%
  • I purchased a unstarted(tail/wings and/or fuse) project from another builder

    Votes: 7 3.6%
  • I purchased a tail kit from another builder

    Votes: 9 4.7%
  • I purchased a completed tail kit from another builder

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • I purchased various parts from more than one builder

    Votes: 7 3.6%
  • I purchased everything new from Vans

    Votes: 138 71.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well Known Member
Based on the thread regarding the lack of completions vs. kits sold, I decided to put together a poll. The members of this forum should give a good cross section of the overall RV population.
Your're missing my catagory...........I got the tail kit from Vans, got a wing kit and another tail kit from another builder, then got the fuse kit from Vans. I'm pretty sure at this point the Finish kit will come from Vans as well, as you don't see too may finish kits for sale without a whole lotta extra parts :)
Biggest mistake I ever made in aviation was buying someone else's project. Empennage was done, wings not closed yet, fus not started. Extremely long story short, all of the empennage parts went in the trash, and the wings got completely disassembled-- had to save the spars, since they were matched to the fus bulkhead (RV-6). In the end, build time was increased substantially over just starting from scratch. What seemed like a good deal really wasn't. Why did I buy it in the first place? Good question. Seems my standards changed as I built the fuselage (first part I made myself), and after a really critical eyeballing, noticed all kinds of problems I didn't see in the previously-built parts during the prepurchase inspection. At least it's a nice airplane now and flies well, with 27 hours so far...

Heinrich Gerhardt

hgerhardt said:
Biggest mistake I ever made in aviation was buying someone else's project.
Heinrich Gerhardt

I purchased my project in progress from another builder and became the 3rd owner. I did considerable research on it before purchase including a prebuy with a knowledgeable, experienced builder. The wings were beyond QB, the fuselage under QB status. I think I got a good deal.

There are many advantages to buying the right project in progess. One, no sales tax, at least in AZ. Usually you get a good deal and save hundreds of hours of build time. Again, this is only good if you've done your research.
Need another category...

Bought one flying- but the work doesn't stop there....

All kinds of fun projects, wiring, trimming, tuning, etc...

With the help of a very knowledgeable builder, A&P, CFI, I bought mine cheaper than it cost to finish my RV9a. It has things I wouldn't have installed, for the better and worse- but a good fundamental construction.

Chappyd said:
Your're missing my catagory...........I got the tail kit from Vans, got a wing kit and another tail kit from another builder, then got the fuse kit from Vans. I'm pretty sure at this point the Finish kit will come from Vans as well, as you don't see too may finish kits for sale without a whole lotta extra parts :)

Same here Chappy. I got my tail & finishing kit from Van's. QB Wing & Fuse from another builder.
Surprising results so far

I'm very surprised in the results of the poll so far. Especially based on the volume of known projects and tails that are sold in the classifieds.

For those who bought tail kits from Van's and other stuff from builders, use the category of "bought from various builders." That will work.
I bought a project that had the empennage complete except fiberglass work, the wing kit started(nutplates on main spars, rear spars started and ribs fluted) and fuselage kit inventoried but not started. On the advice of other RV builders in the area I bought another empennage kit that wasn't started to gain experience before working on the wings. I sold the completed empennage to a builder out west. I really didn't know what I was buying because I didn't know what the term - quality of workmanship - really meant. I had to redo things that had already been started on the wings. I wouldn't have know to do this had I not gained the experience doing the empennage myself and being mentored by the other RV builders. I still have to redo things that I mess up but isn't that where the education part comes in.
Even though I did save some money on my wing kit, I would buy new next time. All the parts were there, and only one wing panel was barely started. After looking at his work, and finding a few things I didn't like, I disassembled the wing ( it was only ribs attached to the spar) very carefully. He didn't quite grasp the concept of fluting ribs, lol. Anyway, for the $2K I saved, I would have rather had a new kit to work with. The plastic had been on the panels for 5 years outside ( stored in a shed) What a pain. When I discovered how hard it was to remove, I decide to remove ALL the plastic before doing anything else. My fingers were raw, and it took over 2 weeks. The white stuff was nearly permanent. Thankfully, there was little of that :eek:

I purchased my RV-4 kit from a repeat offender. He and his father, both A & P's and airline captains, built the first 4 in Illinois. I am very fortunate as the workmanship is top notch. Well, at least the work that was completed when I bought it! I also had the benefit of information from an early RV-4 OSHKOSH Grand Champion builder who was very familiar with the project. He advise that it included changes to the firewall that he considered superior to what Van had designed. Don't know as I'm not sure of the difference.

Anyway, I'm very pleased!

Wally Hunt
RV-4 Finishing Kit
Rockford, IL :D
I bought an RV6 from a fellow in IL, my friend who had built a 6 inspected it, taking over 6 hours. It was about at the quick build stage. His work was excellent, the airplane had no issues. My greatest challenge is to keep my work up to his quality. I am extremely happy with how the plane is coming out. From what I see on the net and other planes in progress, I am extremely lucky. I can see now after doing the canopy, cowl, baffles, etc., how you could really buy something own your on that would be hard to be proud with. I got a great deal Let;s face it, some people are not capable of builiding a kit, and these generally sell as a project.