
Well Known Member
If you all haven't heard of Project Farm on youtube you should give it a look. He recently tested 100LL in some pretty non scientific ways that probably didn't answer anything we didn't already know. Video here

However, many of his other tests are super applicable to us airplane builders, he tests various brands of tape, glue, sealants, screws, nails, tools, grinding wheels, you name it. Often times he points out when we are wasting our money and when we aren't. Actually he lets you reach your own conclusions based on data.

Anyways, thought you all might enjoy, I sure have learned where to save money when I can.

P.S. This guy is a small engine whisperer which is cool to watch in its own right.
This is a favorite channel of mine on YT. Highly recommended. Does some great tests on oils and adhesives and snake oils. Gotta like this guy and his open attitude.