Tom May

Active Member
Hi all,
I recently ordered (over a month ago) a Silver Bullet Steering Link and Silver Bullet Control Arm from Full Throttle Concepts, Inc. ( Unfortunately they have not shipped the order and will not return my phone calls or e-mail. I am now in the process or trying to recover my payment through my credit card company. I do not recommend using this company. Of all the RV part suppliers that I have used, this is the first time I have run across this problem. :mad:
Call your credit card company and stop the recovery process.
Unless you need it immediately don't worry it will show up.
Actually, the only way I got a response with this guy was by cancelling through Paypal. Suddenly, after 5 weeks of no response to my emails, the product was shipping and would I please terminate the cancellation process.

I now use Much better operation.
Tom H
I got one of his canopy handles. Yeah, it took awhile for delivery but he does nice work.
Took me almost 4 months to get two canopy handles. They are nice but I would not order anything from him again.
silver bullet

i had a real bad go around with that company. the only way to get results is threaten him. poor business man. i canceled the order and got a refund from visa.

my opinion not a way to do business

dan carley
That's the way it always is.

That's why I made one large order up front. I ordered 1 of everything for my model of airplane..

I thought it was worth only getting frustrated once - instead of 10 times over. :D

I went into it expecting the worst and it really wasn't as bad as I had prepared myself.

After my credit card company notified Full Throttle Concepts that they were taking action to recover my funds the part did arrive today. Full Throttle Concepts have not returned my phone calls or e-mails. After all this is said, I would not recommend using this company, there are to many good people out there making RV parts that know how to run a business.:mad:
Be Patient.....

I know Dave personally and he is a great guy. He works a more than full time job and produces these products for us in his spare time. I know he is not good with the phone or email, but he always comes through. I must say I am very happy with all of the products I have received from Full Throttle Concepts. Just don't wait til the last minute to place your order and be patient. He will deliver exceptional products.
re: quit one job

I found that while being employed at a full time job, I didn't have time to do my part-time job. The only soution, was to decide which one I really wanted to do. My part-time business was good. So, I quit the full time job (guaranteed check?), and went my own way. It's been good to me.
Maybe he should consider this. If he turns out that good of a product, word- of-mouth spreads. He'd probably get enough orders, if he's shipping in a timely manner.
I know, from experience, it's hard to do two jobs and keep both parties happy.

Marshall Alexander
Well, after reading all of the negative stuff on this company, and against better judgement, I ordered a canopy latch handle from this guy the beginning of March. No communication, and no part showed up. Countless emails and phone messages have gone unanswered. So I have initiated a claim with PayPal to recover my dough. Such a shame, the handle looks to be of high quality and would look nice on my -8. A little communication every now and then would go a looonnnggg way. I could live with a long delivery IF I knew I would eventually get what I ordered AND he would communicate status every now and then. If he would improve his service I bet he'd pick up a LOT of orders. As it is all of the negative comments he gets has to really hurt the business.

A few weeks ago I inquired by email about the Silver Bullet steering links. Some time later I received an email that said they had some in stock. The email was from Aimee.

I didn't get to it right away and sent another email to see if they had any left and two order. Well, three emails later, no response.

I guess I'll give up on them.
Well, I finally received my canopy handle from FTC. It is a work of art. And I received it after PayPal reversed the charges after a non-shipment dispute. I then sent Dave an email saying I received it and needed to repay for it, and also asked about the Silver Bullet tailwheel link. After that email, I exchanged 2 or 3 emails with Dave. He apologized for the previous poor communication, and said he'd ship the link in a couple of weeks, which is fine. So at this point I think Dave has it together... He really does have some nice products.
Still waiting for my order

FYI: Another data point.

I ordered a canopy latch on 4/3, after reading thru this thread. I anticipated not hearing anything from Dave and he is following thru with the lack of response. I sent an email around 4/28 and left a phone message 5/6, still waiting. I am just trusting that he will follow thru.

In addition, his inquiry form on the website does not work properly, at least for me.
I don't know Dave but it's unethical to charge someone's credit card and not ship the goods . . . my card was charged on 5/11 and I'm wondering where my parts are . . . I don't need them that bad,:mad: but I don't have time to chase parts???

I know Dave personally and he is a great guy. He works a more than full time job and produces these products for us in his spare time. I know he is not good with the phone or email, but he always comes through. I must say I am very happy with all of the products I have received from Full Throttle Concepts. Just don't wait til the last minute to place your order and be patient. He will deliver exceptional products.
That's the way PayPal works. They pull your money and then send it to the vendor to fullfill the order. I agree totally that no vendor should charge your card until the order is shipped but that probably requires some web modules that most of these small guys don't have or don't know how to integrate them into their websites. That's why PayPal mostly exists because they handle this for you (for a fee).

Seems to me there is a business opportunity for someone to offer equally quality products but with better customer service (provided capitalism isn't dead yet).
Very poor customer service

I know this is 2009 and everyone is used to crappy service but this is beyond anything I'd expect. He lets the money come flowing in yet doesn't even have the decency to answer an email?

I have waited a couple of weeks for the RV-7 steering link. It was supposed to be a gift to my co-builder. I have also made a claim through pay-pal. I would love to see the product and give the guy a break but this is business and he needs to act like one, not some half-hearted hobbiest that just so happens to get people's money on the premise of a good product. I can build an airplane, I'll build my own I steering link i guess!
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A friend of mine and I coming out with a line of products for RV's to include a newly designed tail steering link and other goodies. He is a RV owner/builder and a master machinist.

The products will be exceptional and very importantly, available!!!

Time line is looking to be early September.
New Thread?

How about a new thread for RVers to be aware of less than reputable companies or those with poor service. It might save all of us from losing our valuable resources. I nominate Charles Wilhite of Gamut Services at Hicks Airport in Tarrant County, TX. He still has my canopy and deposit after 2 years! Never heard a word from him since he got my goods!