
Well Known Member
I have an Xcom radio that I bought and installed on 6/26/09. This radio worked fine until about three weeks ago. At this time period it would work when I turned it on. It has its own switch, so when turning it on it would go right to the last freq I had it on, for this radio it was used for the ATIS at my home station. Anyway, I would turn this radio off and use my 210a for primary after that. Than as I was coming back in to land I would switch on this radio for the ATIS, well no go, the radio didn't come back on. This went on for about 2 weeks. Than all the sudden I went out to go fly and I turned on the radio like always and nothing. I removed the radio and checked for power at pins 9 and 10, all ok, checked for grounds, all ok. I cut out the harness and took everything to my shop and did some more checking, the connector or harness is just fine. I call the place I bought the radio and they said to call Narco in the states, cool, I didn't want to send it overseas. I call them and I'm told NO WARRANTY. You will have to send us the radio and your CCard number for there will be a 2hr minimum charge to look at the radio, which he said something like 230dollars. EEEk. I thought man, I'm 6 months out on this thing and this doesn't sound good at all. THe serial no of my unit is 5155 which is within when they are suppose to have good radios, narco started buiding after 5000 if information is correct. So now I have no choice, a dead radio and out 1200 dollars if I just throw it in the can and start over with something else. So I send the radio out and I guess I'm just going to have to see what happens.
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Narco sucks. Send it to me and I will get you fixed up under warranty. If I can't fix it I will send you a new radio. The problem is a common one where there are cold solder joints on the connector. I usually can fix this in 15 minutes. Look up my address on XCom's dealer page and send it to me, I'm a factory authorized repair station.
rocketbob. this is great news and it jives with what i thought was going on, I did try and open the lid to look at these joints, but it was hidden way under the first layer, I chickened out from doing anything. I am going to try and call UPS and stop the shipment and have it sent back to me. Will let you know, thanks for everything.
The radio has to be completely disassembled to get to the DB15 solder joints. It only takes 5 minutes to disassemble the whole radio if you know what you're doing :)

In the past I have told the guys at XCom that having Narco as their main service center is going to make for some unhappy customers when they see their repair charges.

That said, I don't have to work on them often anymore. The quality has gone up considerably with Narco making them.
rocketbob. I'm looking for your information on the narco site. But I will need your state and company. thanks
I want to give a special thanks to Bob for taking care of my radio. He sent me another radio for the one I sent was not repairable. Now I just need to install, been very busy and haven't had the chance to install. Again thank you Bob.