
Well Known Member
Hi... A couple of weeks ago i was putting my Tanks on the RV-7 wings. every tank has seven Z-brackets on the rear baffle attaching it to the main spar via nutplates and AN-bolts. but just yesterday i realized that the holes of one z bracket (the most inboard one of the right fuel tank) doesn't align with the spar holes (around 2/32"). all other brackets are OK but this one i screwed up badly and i can't explain myself how i did that.

when the holes are just slightly off you can force them a bit into position but this one bracket in definetly to much. (see pic) i could force the bracket in some way but this would probably lead to a lot of deformation on the tank.


what can i do here? i don't know if it would be a good idea to elongate the holes...


btw: i hate my tanks. and they hate me... :)
Your picture didn't come through, but if I understand you correctly the holes in the bracket and the holes in the spar are not aligned, but the platenut and spar alignment holes are OK. If this is the case you have two choices here, replace the Z bracket (Oh no!) or enlarge the hole in the Z bracket. I would enlarge the hole in the Z bracket, as these bolts are in tensile strength, not shear.

If you are really in doubt call Van, but I'm pretty sure that's what they will say.

I would not touch the holes in the spare and will try to enlarge the hole in the Z bracket. If the nut plate still don't lined up, chances are they would not, then move the nut plates as well, either by putting a doublers on the Z bracket or using mono-leg nut plate.
Hey Larry, i wrote to van's but tehy have also wekend. You right i really don't want to replace the bracket so let's see how it works with enlargement.

thanks... Kay