Patrick Phillips

I'm New Here
can anyone shed some light on my issue radio is a Garmin GTR 225 when i transmit the side tone sounds like my voice is coming from the bottom of a drum.....the ATC controller also says thats what it sounds like also....any suggestions
Most microphones are "one sided", i.e. designed to have only one side against your lips. Make sure yours is correctly oriented.
Also, the microphone must be just barely touching your lips when you transmit, and the mic needs to be centered on your mouth. Should also have a foam cover to stop wind noise.

That's the easy stuff. Next, try two or three different brands of headset.
good ideas

Pete has good ideas. Folks would be surprised at the parts cost, even in high dollar headsets. The microphones are mostly cheap (as in about two bucks) condenser elements. They do have a proper side as Pete mentioned. And they are ported to allow for simple noise reduction. If you swap out headsets and check your side tone for a change, you can rule out a Garmin problem very quickly. If it isn't the mic orientation, check for a very small level screw adjustment. Lightspeed has one under a small plastic cover on the mic. Turning it down a bit might just do the trick.
If it turns out to be the radio, it might need a factory calibration. Mic level, and deviation and amplitude are factory spec adjustments and might have drifted. Many are set in software now, rather than adjustable pots. A good bench tech can quickly look at the output on a scope or spectrum analyzer. Good radio coms are almost as important as full gas tanks. IMHO
Folks would be surprised at the parts cost, even in high dollar headsets. The microphones are mostly cheap (as in about two bucks) condenser elements.

Isn't that a shame. You are correct when you dive into most others, but I can assure you that isn't the case with the CQ1 :). A side effect of my original effort of "I don't care what it costs. I want what I want", means our mic element is the single largest component cost of our whole headset.

To the OP. Are you certain the mic wires are wired correctly between that radio and whatever the next component is (intercom/audio panel)?