Michael Burbidge

Well Known Member
I'm doing the first fit of the f-706 bulkhead to the bottom and side skins. Everythingt fits except for the middle 4-6 holes of the bottom skin to f-706. They are off by about 3/64th or half holes diameter. It is like the f-729 bell crank rib is slightly to long. But that isn't the problem because all the Bottom skin to f-729 holes line up. I've checked the 706 assembly and it appears to be correct. Did anyone experience this problem?
Yep, I had the same issue on mine. I just had to keep working on it, reworked the rib a lot, and did things that you shouldn't have to do. I've seen the same issue on others. I even considered making a new rib from scratch. It isn't all a free ride :).
What did you do?

I'm thinking of drilling those 3 middle holes out to 1/8 and putting an oops rivet in. Do you think that would be acceptable?
A few of those happen

Generally, to save time and keep going, after confirming it wasn't me, I went with the -4 rivet route. I have about 20 or so -4's in places where that happened. I figured no biggie.

Of course, I was one of those people who had the spar shift problem . . . so my outlook may be whacked on the topic.

Rick 90432.