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Well Known Member
I'm trying to contact Avery... I bought a RV tool kit in October and I just found out I had a bunch of rusted clecos... All the tools were is perfect working order... I'm really satisfied by my purchase except for the clecos.

Sent them an email on the 16th... sent another one on the 21st... still no answer.

Are they on vacation or something? Anyone having issues contacting them?

EDIT : Read my last post, they were having problems with their mail system.
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Rusted Clecos

I'm sure that Bob will replace them for you. I wouldn't worry about them though; They're going to rust in your shop over your build time anyway. Mine did.

Six years later, I use them for odd jobs or helping the local FBO on a repair and they still work fine.

I give 'em a good squirt of LPS-2 every year or so

I know-----When you buy new tools, you want them to be nice and shiney!:D
If you're anywhere near the coast, your cleco's are going to rust. Mine are rusty as heck. They still hold the parts together though and aside from getting your hands a little dirty as you handle them, they work just fine.

Just my experience/perspective, and I understand that you bought new cleco's and expect them to be in new condition. Avery are good people and I'm sure they'll take care of you.

PJ Seipel
RV-10 #40032
If you're anywhere near the coast, your cleco's are going to rust. Mine are rusty as heck. They still hold the parts together though and aside from getting your hands a little dirty as you handle them, they work just fine.

Just my experience/perspective, and I understand that you bought new cleco's and expect them to be in new condition. Avery are good people and I'm sure they'll take care of you.

PJ Seipel
RV-10 #40032

They will also rust quickly if you keep pool chemicals anywhere near them.
Alright, thanks for the replies...

I don't live near the coast and the pool chemicals are not in the garage ;)

I don't think they rusted here. I bought a tool kit that came with 125 1/8, they are fine. It also came with 2 other sizes and they are fine too.

The kit came with 325 3/32 clecos. 1 small bag of 25 + 3 boxes of 100ea. the bag is fine and 2 of the boxes are also OK. Only 1 box contained rusted clecos.

I'll wait another week for the email then give them a call. I prefer the emails because I don't have to call from the office... and also because my first language is not english. My spoken english is far from perfect and since they are in Texas... I supposed they are a bit harder to understand :p
I've got so many clecos I'm still trying to find out where they all come from. I even have one can that's still 'brand new'. Every time I start a new project I always say that "I'll use the new ones" but never do....I guess I'm 'attached' (pun intended) to my old ones. Many of my clecos have all clumps of epoxy on 'em, various splashes of primer, overspray, and other 'stuff' and they still work great. Truth is....I've used each one so many times now that it reminds me of the farmer down the street when I was a kid. All those hundreds of cows looked the same to me but he knew them ALL by name. I recognize each one of my clecos as I take it out of the bucket....." again" :D :D.

Back to your post....of course, you paid for NEW clecos and they shouldn't have any rust on them.....I'm sure the Avery's will take care of you....they don't come any better than those folks. That said.....(having been there done that) I wouldn't bother returning them.....too much trouble :). Looks like you could take a little brass toothbrush and clean 'em right up if you feel the need??

The quote I copied below had me rolling on the've got a great sense of humor.....I can't understand those longhorns either :D.

Good Luck!!

My spoken english is far from perfect and since they are in Texas... I supposed they are a bit harder to understand :p
Rant Alert

This thread is not about clecos , its about customer service in the modern age.

I for one think that if a business publishes an email address, THEY SHOULD CHECK IT AND RESPOND IN A TIMELY MANNER. Not all of us can do business during normal business hours - that's why email works so well (at least with those businesses that check their email). Why do some businesses think they have to answer the phone by the 4th ring but they can wait one or two weeks to get back to you by email??? I just don't get it. :rolleyes: If they aren't willing to respond in a timely manner, They shouldn't publish an email address. That simple.
Phillip, give them a call. Their daughter in law is French and their son speaks fluent French also. Both work in the business. Ask for Mimi or Ken or write them an e-mail in French.

Martin Sutter
Building and flying RV's since 1988
Helping out at the Avery Booth a Sun and Fun and Oshkosh
My spoken english is far from perfect and since they are in Texas... I supposed they are a bit harder to understand :p

I spewed coffee all over my computer on that one.

You speak "airplane", they speak "airplane". Give them a call! Don't wait a week. ;) They will make it right.
This thread is not about clecos , its about customer service in the modern age.

I for one think that if a business publishes an email address, THEY SHOULD CHECK IT AND RESPOND IN A TIMELY MANNER. Not all of us can do business during normal business hours - that's why email works so well (at least with those businesses that check their email). Why do some businesses think they have to answer the phone by the 4th ring but they can wait one or two weeks to get back to you by email??? I just don't get it. :rolleyes: If they aren't willing to respond in a timely manner, They shouldn't publish an email address. That simple.

How do you know the e-mail got there? You are assumming they are not checking their e-mail. The thread starter is in Canada, International e-mail is sometimes lost without getting an error message. Knowing Avery Tools like we do it is highly unlikely they are ducking from replacing a hand full of clecos. ;)
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As stated by a reply, this thread is not about clecos, it's about contacting them.

So far, I'm very satisfied with the service I had, by email. Before I ordered, I asked for a quote. I got an answer within 3-4hours by Mimi Avery(did not know she spoke french ;) ). Replied, got another one fast... asked about how to order my specific quote, was replied fast too. So far, it's been great!

Computer problems or network outage happens... I know, I work in that field. I just wanted to know if I was the only one that did not get an answer by email lately. Sometimes, the staff that is responsible to answer email is not in the office (sickness, family stuff)...

No pun intended for the english accent... I'm used to the Canadian one... I went to Michigan last year and it took me a good 2 minute to tell the girl in the Subway Restaurant what I wanted... we did not understand each-other
Update : still no answers from Avery.

Sent them another mail but this time, I used my GMail account. I think something might be wrong with my ISP address : I sent a mail to Van's support 2 days ago and still haven't heard from them... That is weird.


Check you spam box. I use Yahoo and for some reason, when I email Vans, their replies are often sent to my spam box. I've even tried marking the email as "not spam" but no luck. Sometimes it shows up in the inbox, sometime in the spam box. I'm using Yahoo!

Your situation is very weird. I've had outstanding support from both compainies.
Do they work properly? 'Nuff said.

Nope, they don't. That's the point. They stick and most of the time I have to shake them to make them clamp. They also leave nasty rust spot on the skins....


Check you spam box. I use Yahoo and for some reason, when I email Vans, their replies are often sent to my spam box. I've even tried marking the email as "not spam" but no luck. Sometimes it shows up in the inbox, sometime in the spam box. I'm using Yahoo!

Your situation is very weird. I've had outstanding support from both compainies.
I don't use a webmail service. It's a pop mail from my ISP. I have no controls over the spam filtering done in-house by my ISP.

Same here, support was outstanding... with both of them! this is why it is probably a problem with emails.
This thread is not about clecos , its about customer service in the modern age.

I for one think that if a business publishes an email address, THEY SHOULD CHECK IT AND RESPOND IN A TIMELY MANNER. Not all of us can do business during normal business hours - that's why email works so well (at least with those businesses that check their email). Why do some businesses think they have to answer the phone by the 4th ring but they can wait one or two weeks to get back to you by email??? I just don't get it. :rolleyes: If they aren't willing to respond in a timely manner, They shouldn't publish an email address. That simple.

When e-mailing Isham's it was just as fast as calling! :) Excellent modern customer service there.
Alright, got a mail back. They were having problems with their mail systems.

Sandra Browning@Avery said:
Hi Philippe, we have had problems with our e-mails. We are going to try to go with something new, but it is taking forever to get to it. I have forwarded your query below to Bob Avery. I?m sorry you had to e-mail twice, Sandra

The matter is being resolved now ;)
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