Well I had planned on assembling my fuel tanks this week but temps in the 40s and 100% humidity I'm not sure that is acceptable for the pro seal. I looked at the product sheet and it doesn't really specify a working range, just affects from standard of 77 and 50%.

If any experienced Pro Seal experts can comment on my conditions and if acceptable to proceed I'd appreciate it. This is one job I'd rather wait than redo.

I'm no expert but my experience has been that pro-seal takes longer to cure in colder temps. In fact, when I worked at Gulfstream, they pre-mixed the stuff and put it in the freezer until needed. Given 30 minutes to warm up, it worked normally.

I would go ahead with the job but use a heat gun to help the curing process and lower the humidity at the same time. If no heat is available, wait for warmer wx.

Is there any possibility you can move the parts closer to a heated area like a home garage? I kept my Proseal cold and brought it inside the night before. Working it in my shop at 50-60 gave me working times of about 1.5 hours. After assembly, parts came inside to cure a couple days before the next step. After tanks were done, they cured inside my heater furnace room for a week before testing.