I'm New Here
Hi All,

I recently purchased an RV-7A in Australia and will shortly be upgrading the panel to an IFR capable panel. I am looking to certify the airplane for Private IFR and Night VFR operations.

While I am confident of what is required from an avionics perspective, I am unclear on any specific engine requirements. My RV-7A has a Superior XP O-360 which I understand is not certified. Does this present any problem certifying the aircraft for Private IFR?

I haven't been able to locate a definitive reference.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Regards Jim
Shouldn't be a problem. That should have been dealt with in the Phase 1 testing, and would decide whether a 25 or 40hr test phase is required (many of the Lyc experimental versions are given 25hr as they are all generally entirely certified parts anyway and build in the same production facility). What you really need to do is sign up to the SAAA, then they can walk you through the re-cert process. Basically what it will involve is installing the new gear (if you are doing it yourself) then getting it inspected and tested (transponder, etc) by a certified avionics tech, then once that is complete and the logbooks are updated the paperwork goes to the SAAA (along with a fee) who issue the new IFR/NVFR capability. PM me if you need contacts in the SAAA.
Jim, the aircraft certification doesn?t distinguish between command and private IFR. The aircraft is either IFR or not. Command or private IFR relates to the pilot?s privileges. I?m in the process of transitioning my RV12 into IFR category. I have both command and private IFR ratings and will be able to use either. Been flying IFR for 30 years. PM your contact details -more than happy to have a chat.
