
Well Known Member
We don't have many RVs here in North East. Couple hundred maybe but 90% of them are in the shadow and off VAF radar. Last weekend a Band of Brothers from the North showed up at my airport for support and motivation.

Squadron Commander.


Distinguished Balloonist and Navy Rep


Chief Stirrer also known in narrow circles as Meat Servo.


The day was good we had Mini Cooper for 7 persons and local diner was only mile away.



It was strictly male company. Lies and jokes were plenty. I wish my hangar partner and cousin were present. Airport Manager came and asked if we want to use lounge on top of FBO.


Saw some cool stuff. I like this aileron stop Dan made.


A safety briefing. Good job :D

We socialized for couple hours.


After date and location of future Convention was determined everybody left.

Dan and Al.


Noah and Jared.


Bill and John.


They taxied out as a group


but took off separately.





Dan :D



Thanks for coming guys. If you took any pictures please post them here.
Vlad, I think it is safe to say that I speak for us all when I say we had a GREAT TIME!

Great to see you again and check out your home turf!

We will make it happen again many times in the future!

See you again soon!

Thanks for paying for lunch too! You didn't have to do that!

;) CJ
Great time!

Thanks for having us, the Yankee and I enjoyed ourselves.:D

Will post pics soon. Thanks for the write up and invite. Glad Tony wasn't there, it was much easier to talk about him without him there to defend himself!!!!

Al if your reading this, you should be bucking rivets!!!

Nick, you know I could say the same !!! Vlad glad to have you back, looks like you had a great meet.
Nick, there are those who understand "northeast" and those who live "down east". The former never get the latter.
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Oh, and Glen... Put me on the list of visitors in 2014!

Captain - while I may now reside in the south, those who know me know I'm a Dam Yankee. Fellow Northerners are always welcome at the farm. I think of it as a little bit of Southern hospitality mixed with a strong dose of Yankee ingenuity.
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We don't have many RVs here in North East. Couple hundred maybe but 90% of them are in the shadow and off VAF radar. Last weekend a Band of Brothers from the North showed up at my airport for support and motivation.

Squadron Commander.

Looks like the Northern boys were kind to you. I'm glad they got you motivated.

ps. What did Captain John mean by "Thanks for paying for lunch too!"?
You must be slipping a little:D
I love it, the RV "Flash Mob Squadron". Where will it strike next?

Can't believe you captured that sweeet patch of rubber I left on departure in the last photo of Post #3 - Good Job!

Fun times, thanks for hosting us Vlad!
Northeast?! You call that northeast?!

Nick, we should have clued you in... Sorry. I will let you know the next time we go visit the Russki!

Glen, nope! I am not a downeaster. Boston to Cape Cod is where I call home! Maine is just my playground!

GLP, you mean he doesn't spring for your food too? He has never let me even open my wallet!

;). CJ
I love it, the RV "Flash Mob Squadron". Where will it strike next?

Can't believe you captured that sweeet patch of rubber I left on departure in the last photo of Post #3 - Good Job!

Fun times, thanks for hosting us Vlad!

Noah, love the flash mob squadron name!!!

Lets make up some hats! Hahahaha

Yesterday at breakfast some guy asked if we flew RVs. When I said yes he told me that he flew real airplanes. I asked what kind? He said a 182. I said oh! You mean real SLOW airplanes!

He thought that was a suitable reply!

:D. CJ
Will post pics soon. Thanks for the write up and invite. Glad Tony wasn't there, it was much easier to talk about him without him there to defend himself!!!!


While you boys were busy gossiping and rubbing elbows with the common RV folk, I was enroute to the RV Mecca! I was visiting the top brass at 52F like Walt of expaircraft.com, Doug Reeves of the VanCave, and Jay Pratt of RVCENTRAL. There was even a Danny King sighting. I do regret not being around if Vlad was paying though!
While you boys were busy gossiping and rubbing elbows with the common RV folk, I was enroute to the RV Mecca! I was visiting the top brass at 52F like Walt of expaircraft.com, Doug Reeves of the VanCave, and Jay Pratt of RVCENTRAL. There was even a Danny King sighting. I do regret not being around if Vlad was paying though!

You know me better than to call me COMMON folk!

;). CJ
Mark Santoleri visited Princeton today.



He didn't stay long but we managed to put him to work on RV12. We were joining tailcone and needed extra hand.


Everything is spotless on his Lindy. He always has the newest gadgets.


Thanks for coming Mark!

My older cousin Don showed up today in his newly purchased RV9A. He ferried the plane himself from Arizona couple months ago.


Beautiful paint job. Nice functional panel.



Later we flew two ships to a golf course. Don did great job landing on narrow upslope runway.


Of course restaurant was closed we missed it by 15 minutes.


Hungry, we rushed somewhere else. Missed that place too. Cousin left hungry he said he will munch his emergency food ration. Time was a premium he had to be home in VA in couple hours :)


Thanks Don for coming. It was quite an experience.
Vlad, Thank you for the hospitality. Jeff's RV-12 was the first one I've seen under construction and it looks like you guys are doing a good job. And thanks for getting me a landing (two actually) in PA.

I'm still learning the RV-9A (I've flown 40+ hours since November)...but I still find it hard to believe that in just a few hours I crossed the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays, flew past Philadelphia, met you in Princeton, then we hopped over to Pennsylvania (Jeff told me privately you *knew* the restaurant was closed so you wouldn't have to pay for lunch). On the way home, I could see NY City to the left and Philly to the right. Great visibility today. But what I'm learning is the RV can get me where I want to go quickly...and economically. All of this was in 4.5 hours on the Hobbs and 32 gallons of fuel and I wasn't going for economy cruise (75% power up there and 65% back).

And thanks for the trip to Butter Valley (7N8). I'd have never gone there if I realized before hand that the paved runway was 24' wide and 1,535' long and located in a bit of a hole, between two rows of pine trees, with a roller-coaster runway. It was actually a lot of fun and not as difficult as it sounds.

Next time I come, I'll make sure I have all day.
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Flash Mob Squadron

This weekend was Flash Mob Squadron invasion. :D

First aircraft delivered two prominent figures. Figure #1 Jeff the Fisherman


On his recent fishing trip down south he caught the biggest piranha evar


His buddy Jim is the only certified operator of internal-combustion-engine-driven-blender. They forwarded nice picture to me I misplaced it somewhere.

Edit: found gas powered blender operator picture.



I was in the middle of quaterly condition inspection and they brought me a boroscope. We tried to calibrate proper coloring but got hungry, harnessed MINI and motored to local diner instead.


Breakfast was good, hangar lies flew left and right. I was so excited and forgot to check aprs spy net. Somebody else was on the way.

Jeff and Jim left. Their airport has very spiritual name and they were planning a BBQ.

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Minutes after they took off my dumb phone rang.
-Hey Vlad where are you located on the field?
-Wait a sec, FOLLOW ME car is on the way. :D


Glen arrived from Virginia in his shiny Devastator. It's a bit of a ride from his farm but Glen could fly long xcountries. He works for undisclosed company on international business machines out of secret location on his farm. He has so many spy gadgets I am jealous. He was at Princeton and was able to monitor a situation in his bunker.


He just completely redid his panel. There were tons of round gages and now this


We parked his plane closer and went to the same diner. Waitress laughed when she saw me coming for lunch one hour after breakfast :D

Situation at Glen's farm became a bit saturated and he had to leave. Director of Operations at our airport can influence weather I asked him for 50 kts tail wind. How many knots you got Glen?



Great to visit Russian Aircraft Factory ! The only requirement seems to be "no paint allowed inside" :)

Fun but short visit.

Head winds both ways :mad:
Uniformed PA gang stopped by on the way to Sky Manor restaurant. Great suggestions and a boost of motivation were given to RV12 project. Thanks Dave, Mark and Al for stopping by.

Award winning RV12 by David Valcik.

What did they see in my RV? Caption contest... :D

Oh, and I finally got my promised mirror. Free of charge of course. Went up and tested it for two hours works great thanks again David!


What did they see in my RV? Caption contest :D

I'm not going to touch this Caption contest, so much room to play with :D

I will leave this up to our other VAF buddies, but can't wait to see the comments!

BTW, the 12 is looking good :)

vlad 11082013.jpg

Good seeing you, let us know if you need any help. Also Vlad you really do need a mirror (Keep an eye on your 6!)
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