
anyone out there have perf figures re prince p.tip prop...thinking of fixed pitch for rv.8...180 hp lyclone..any info re fixed pitch prop on 200hp engine...many thanks ..stan.....
preliminary P-Tip Numbers

RV-7A QB. SJ cowl/plenum. No wheel or leg fairings yet. Big ugly brackets on the wheels making it worse. 180 hp xp360 Plus (superior) fuel injected.

Max cruise 156 kts. true and GPS verified at 8000+. Also at 5000 the other day.
Gets to 2700 above 8000. May need to move to more pitch when I clean up the drag.
Static above 2300, maybe close to 2400. I have a hard time holding it with the brakes, so this is not something I do much.

I have not balanced it yet, but in my view it is smooth when compared to a metal prop, as expected.

Hope this helps.
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20 knots

hevansrv7a said:
RV-7A QB. SJ cowl/plenum. No wheel or leg fairings yet. Big ugly brackets on the wheels making it worse. 180 hp xp360 Plus (superior) fuel injected.

Max cruise 156 kts. true and GPS verified at 8000+. Also at 5000 the other day.

Hope this helps.

You're doing really well and about what our 6A did without any fairings and exposed, ugly wheelpant brackets. It wouldn't surprise me if you gained at least 15 -20 knots if you do the intersection fairings nice and clean and fit snug. Remember, the faster you go, the more all the drag reduction counts. We gained over 20 MPH and 250 FPM rate of climb and 75 RPMs. :) It'll make it a different airplane. If you love it now, you're gonna want to sleep with it later!! :D Yes, you'll probably need more pitch too.

Blue skies and tailwinds,
Prop me up...

Amen Pierre. I tried many props on my RV4 and found that from naked (no fairings) to completely faired with pants gained 15 knots. I'm running an MT 2 blade FP that equals or betters every other prop over the years I have tried. For acro and all other flight aspects plus the lighter nose, it's better and smoother than a Hartzell. I also give my Catto high marks but if you fly through rain, overall the MT wins, just a bit more $$.

Good Luck!

Rob Ray
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Prince P tip composite prop

I was thinking about putting a Prince P tip compsite prop on my rv-6, it has
io-320 c1a lycoming engine..any info good or bad....


What size and pitch is your P-tip?

How happy have you been with Prince?

My empty wallet is forcing me to scrap my CS dreams for a while. So, if I want to fly I am going to need a FP. Internally debating over Catto and Prince at the moment.
regarding questions

I'm sorry, I am very far away from home on vacation so I don't recall my P-tip sizes, but I'm very pleased with Lonne Prince and the product. I had my first such prop on a Moni in the 80's. I talked to him around 12-12-06 and we agreed my prop will likey need more pitch once my fairings are in place. He will do it gratis, of course. If you call him, mention my name and he can give you the exact information on my prop from his database.

I cannot make any kind of comparison to other wood or composite props simply because I have not used any other prop on this airplane. His reputation is good. He's been at it since the PATCO strike or before. He has inventory and can deliver in a reasonable time frame. I did not compare to CS prop because I had made up my mind to get FP. Personal choice. I chose composite/wood over metal for vibration dampening, knowing of the drawbacks with wood like re-torqing. I also wanted a leading edge that could be repaired after erosion, unlike aluminum.

One advantage of the P-Tip over all other props is that for a given aerodynamic length, it is physically shorter. In effect, you get some of the length in the horizontal plane. On my Moni that made a difference because clearance from the ground was small and I was flying from grass. I don't know if it's an issue for an RV.

Please feel free to PM or email me after 1/1/07 for more details.

A Prince P-Tip on my friend's Lancair 235/320, N30G, got 214 mph TAS at 2950 rpm, 8000' dalt. With his Great American, with modified tips, he got 219 mph TAS at 2660rpm, 8000' dalt.
They've been around for a while, walk the homebuit line at Oshgosh and you will see very few of them. If it was a better mouse trap there would tons of them. A F1 racer friend of mine got one as a ferry prop, its been hanging on his hanger wall after the first couple of flights. :(
RV3 2000+ hours

hevansrv7a said:
RV-7A QB. SJ cowl/plenum. No wheel or leg fairings yet. Big ugly brackets on the wheels making it worse. 180 hp xp360 Plus (superior) fuel injected.

Max cruise 156 kts. true and GPS verified at 8000+. Also at 5000 the other day.
Gets to 2700 above 8000. May need to move to more pitch when I clean up the drag.
Static above 2300, maybe close to 2400. I have a hard time holding it with the brakes, so this is not something I do much.

I have not balanced it yet, but in my view it is smooth when compared to a metal prop, as expected.

Hope this helps.
174 kts/200 mph at 2800 rpm at 8000' Density Altitude with paint and fairings. I really had hoped for better because I have the SJ cowl, plenum and wheel pants. For other stats, see weblink in signature. More to come soon, I hope.