
Well Known Member
I?ve just started prepping the ribs for priming but may run out of time to prime them today. I should be able to prime them tomorrow morning. Is this gonna be a big problem? Thanks
Some small amount of oxidation will set in, you'll need to at least clean them again with some MEK or acetone.
Depends on where you live and how they're stored. Give them a wash with water and check that it breaks. Address anywhere that doesn't and dry, wipe down, and spray.

I've done quite a bit of experimenting with this. I live in a generally low humidity area and the parts are kept either in the house or the garage. I've found I can go up to two days with almost no change in oxidization (water still breaks evenly). After about two days I start to get some spots that need attention (water beads). It takes over a month before the parts fully bead again.

I use the Akzo primer and it still adheres fine and can be dimpled without issue.

I've read that salt accelerates the corrosion process but haven't done any experimentation with that.

I've never been to Huntsville, AL but I suspect you have more heat and humidity than I do!
It may depend on the primer. I actually asked a similar question to Stewart Systems about their EkoPrime product, early in my build. I had cleaned and etched the parts but asked how long I could wait to prime them. The response from a Stewart Systems rep was:

"You can go a bit longer than 12 hours, but it it?s past 24 I would re etch it."

May be a different story for different primers and different prep methods.