
Well Known Member
I'm studying Z-11 schematic and it has a set up for on/off/prime and details Electric Prime Valve. Is this the correct set up for A/P Fuel Pump or does this relate to other fuel pumps?

Shiney :)
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This switch works for the fuel pumps Van's calls for on carb'ed engines. It is nice because it eliminates one extra switch in your panel. Hope this helps.
AF Pump

Thanks Steve, so I take it that the priming is not needed for an injected engine.

Shiney :)
On an injected engine you just turn on the electric fuel pump for a few seconds with the throttle open and mixture rich and it sends fuel through the lines to each cylinder intake port.

No separate primer is needed.
One normally

discovers this "feature" when testing the fuel system for the first time..I mean with the throttle closed it won't flow any fuel right?..WRONG!

I had fuel dripping out of just about everywhere on the engine..:)
