Well Known Member
I'm just about ready to prime my cowl and canopy skirt and I was planning on using PPG K38 high build primer but just found out when I tried to buy some that it is not legal to use in California anymore.

Can anyone recommend a replacement? Does anyone have experience with Kustom Kolor?

I'm just about ready to prime my cowl and canopy skirt and I was planning on using PPG K38 high build primer but just found out when I tried to buy some that it is not legal to use in California anymore.

Can anyone recommend a replacement? Does anyone have experience with Kustom Kolor?


Just one more reason to move away from there! :D:D
Sterling U1000P

I called T&P the other day to see what they use, and they use Sterling U-1000P. I haven't done any research beyond that.
I'm just about ready to prime my cowl and canopy skirt and I was planning on using PPG K38 high build primer but just found out when I tried to buy some that it is not legal to use in California anymore.

Another option is to get some of what you want from Nevada: Reno (NorCal) or Las Vegas (SoCal). Might be worth the day's trip.
Kustom Kolor

Well, I went ahead and ordered a gallon kit of the Kustom Kolor 2K primer from TCP Global. Here's a link if anyone is interested:

I primed a couple of fiberglass parts this weekend and so far am happy with the results. The primer sprays very well, builds well, drys fast and sands easily. I wiped down some of the dried primer with California's equivalent of MEK and the primer seemed impervious to it. I also ordered some Kustom Kolor urethane top coat, but haven't tried it yet. This paint is reasonably priced so I hope it works out.

I was wondering if you could buy MEK in CA too. Then I saw that Aircraft Spruce sold it. Home depot sells a MEK equivalent but I was afraid to use that. I found MEK at Frazee Paint in San Diego. You might check some paint stores if you want the real stuff. Not sure about the law on this stuu but it is available.

I was wondering if you could buy MEK in CA too. Then I saw that Aircraft Spruce sold it. Home depot sells a MEK equivalent but I was afraid to use that. I found MEK at Frazee Paint in San Diego. You might check some paint stores if you want the real stuff. Not sure about the law on this stuff but it is available.

Seen MEK right in OSH near Paso Robles CA. :eek:

Huh, it must be just a bay area thing for the MEK. I'll have to see about that. The replacement seems just as nasty as the real thing, so I'm not sure of the logic, but I never am when it comes to CARB decisions.

Thanks for the heads up.
GAHco said:
Seen MEK right in OSH near Paso Robles CA.
Huh, it must be just a bay area thing for the MEK. I'll have to see about that. The replacement seems just as nasty as the real thing, so I'm not sure of the logic, but I never am when it comes to CARB decisions.

Thanks for the heads up.

My AI has been complaining that MEK is no longer aviailable here in Tehachapi. I get over to Paso every couple of months to visit friends; much closer than Arizona!
Check the current rules.

When I lived in LA under the SCAQMD the rules allowed a private individual to spray 1 or 2 gallons per year of anything.

You might still be legal for small quantities.

I also used banned lacquer paint, and found one store that sold it in Culver City. When I asked how they could sell lacquers, they said the movie industry has an exemption...:)

If small amounts are legal for private individual non-commercial use, the dealers might be willing to order a gallon for you... it's worth asking after you clarify the specific rules.