
Active Member
It appears that my newly installed primer valve is leaking and I just wanted to bounce it off the group before I ordered a new one. (see video below).

I ordered the primer kit last winter and didn't install it until last week (It doesn't get that cold down here in Georgia). When I started the engine it sounded rough and I started to debug the install. It looks like the new valve is leaking. There is no power on it and yet fuel is going through.

I did notice that I have the number 2 fitting as output and I think it should be the input, but it doesn't seem like a simple switched valve should make a difference on this kind of valve, but maybe it does?

Its possible I have a small bit of copper tubing, or a bit of rust in there too I guess. I did not turn the hex head plug on top, perhaps that is an adjustment?

Thank you in advance for any insight,

youtube link to video of valve
I don't know about the leak, but that video really made me need to go to the bathroom. AddedOkay, that was inappropriate. It's possible that having the valve installed backwards could have ruptured a seal.
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Lynn, the primer solenoid is indeed directional. As a matter of fact, I think if you search the forums you'll find a thread started by me about this! :D

But, if I recall correctly, 2 is in, 1 is out. So you (most likely) have it backwards.
Plumbed correct?

Are you sure you have the in and out ports correct? It's been a while since I have installed one port is the inlet and the other the outlet. Or maybe I'm dreaming again.
Lynn - first of all I'm sorry your valve is leaking. I haven't tried mine yet so maybe I'll be in the same boat.... but I really enjoyed your video. I thought I was the only guy that hit broken stuff with wrenches! :D

I'm sure you'll get it fixed when you reverse the solenoid...
that seems to have worked

I was able to get back into the hangar this evening and fabricated a couple new pipes, reversing the connection. As suggested I put the #2 as in and the #1 as out and that seems to have done the trick, no more trickle.

I'm curious now how the internals of the valve actual work.

Thank you,