
Well Known Member
I did a search before posting and nothing hits on my question. In doing the rudder, you rivet the stiffeners first. I primed just the contact area of the skin and primed the entire stiffener (all of them). Now as I get ready to bend the rudder trailing edge I realize that I will not be able to reach the interior of the rudder very well once it is bent. I decided to just prime the entire interior of the rudder skin before I make the bend.

Now that I have gone done this my question is will there be a problem dimpling the holes with the primer on one side? My guess is there might be an issue with the dimple dies and cleaning them up after dimpling. Is this bad for the dies? Thanks in advance for the help.

Primer and Dimple Dies

I dimpled the skins before priming; I got in a hurry one night and missed a couple of holes on the HS, so ended up dimpling them after priming (with the same concerns you have).

None of the primer came off on the dimple die; I'm using Akzo Nobel epoxy primer from Spruce...it's pretty tough stuff once cured.

Good luck,

I think it is easier to drill, scotchbrite and then dimple. Then hit it with
the primer. I DO NOT think it will hurt the dies but that is my .02. You can
look on my sight about taping off the section. Use the soldering iron and it will help with all the cleanup.

Good luck,
I've done basically every dimple on my plane with primer on it. For me, it's easier to prep the surfaces before dimples are made. The dimples tend to shred my scotchbrite pads, rags and fingers.
I have often primed before dimpling and if the primer has had several days to cure, it won't come off. If any does scratch off, hit it with some spray can primer.
Thanks gang, I suspected it would be OK. I know what you mean about the dimples shredding the pads. I think I may just start to prime things before starting to build. It seems like getting a lot primed at once makes sense. I wonder if that is how they do it at the "build your tail in a week" class. I hear a lot of the priming is already done for you, maybe they just prime at the end of each day, I wonder. Anyways thanks for the help.
From the RVAtor...

I can't remember the issue or the builder being quoted, but one fellow was giving some tips about how he builds so quickly (standard build from start to first flight of something like 4 months). In it, he said first step after unpack/inventory was to debur edges and prime everything... even before drilling (including skins). That way he could set up for it and prime it all in one batch. After fitting/drilling/dimpling, he would go over and touch up any bare spots with a primer pen before riveting.