
Well Known Member
Guys: Just received my next years insurance quote form Falcon Insurance. It went down $100 to $893. RV-9A, with 1500 hours TT, hangared, on paved runway, I fly 150-200 hrs/yr, $1M liability, $85K hull. I realize that the pilot makes an impact on the rates so I'll give my stats for comparison purposes. I have an ATP, ME, COMM SE Land, typed in B-720, B-707, DC-10, I hold a CFII, ME and SE, and have 7800 TT in jets and props. Most of the above is courtesy of Uncle Sam's AF for 29 years of membership, even the CFII. Anyway, I have an extra $100 for a hamburger run. Dan from Reno
This is interesting, I've often wondered what others are seeing for rates....I just renewed my policy with Falcon for my 9-A for $925. Only thing is my experience and ratings are nothing compared to yours.....coverage seems fairly similar. So who knows how they calculate the rates. I did get a comparison quote from Avemco last year and the result was almost insulting it was so high....(didn't even send me the free hat!)
I've been happy that the premiums with Falcon inch down a little with each year, so at least they're moving in the right direction!
Enjoy those hamburgers!