
Well Known Member
Beautiful and Gulp $265k

$265,000.00....... "Wow-Wa-wa-wee-wa? :eek:

14 hours, hummmmm, that's a bummer he has to sell it so soon.
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I'm ok with it

I guess compared to a new Ovation 2 GX, the price seems fair. Not an exact comparison of planes but the same mission in my opinion.

I wish I could outright buy it.

Good luck.

You can BUILD two of them for that price. :rolleyes:

To be fair, it's very nicely done and well-outfitted, but still.....
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I wonder how the guy that sold a flying -10 for $120K recently if feeling as he reads this.

He was aware of market value, but sold his for what he thought was fair... I applaud him, simply because the used market for the RV-10 is way over priced right now. If I had 130K to sink into an RV project, I'd build a -10 right now instead of the -7 and sell for 50-60K in direct profit!
WOW, Thats a lot of cash!

I must say that this is a very nice looking airplane. However, I have a Bonanza that does the same thing with about the same numbers as far as speed and load and it looks very sexy too. But I think the thing that looks even more sexy is the $200,000.00 that is still in my bank acount as I only spent $65K for it! These 10's are nice but lets get real about the prices for these things. :eek: You still need money to fill the tank to go anywhere :D
Ahh the old value debate. Comparing this to an old Bonanza is not apples to apples. A new one, sure. Lets look at the short list of features.
1. New
2. All Glass
3. Carry 4, and baggs
4. Fixed gear. (Id pay a premium for that for a lot of reasons)
5. coupled a/p
blah blah blah

Now lets look at the market for these.
Mooney ~300

And so on. IMHO, this RV-10 is underpriced for the value it represents. Believe me, folks looking at this plane are looking at it compared to the value it represents in the market against these planes above. Id argue its better than those and worth more. Id also put money on the fact that these RV-10's will increase in value towards these planes mentioned above as more enter the market. I'll further add that being expermental also adds value. WOuld you not pay a few more bucks to buy a cert. plane classified as experimental just to get the added flexibility and utility of doing your won thing with new products and designs? I sure would. Course these are all just my opinions. In the end, he will get what the market will bear. And it will bear this price easily.

If it sells for anything like this price I'm quitting my day job and going to build 'em for a living!

Can I borrow the tools back guys?

Frank 7a...For sale at about $150k
I think that guy builds and sells a lot of rv's so the workmanship is most likely top notch.
Big deal

So's mine!....:). The real question is can you really pull 100k profit from an RV-10 and how fast can you build 'em?

Then of course there is the SMALL question of liability..:)

Hmm..Hey, then you go set yerself up in a low labour cost paradise and knock out 5 per year....

I'm beginning to like this idea...:)

Kahuna said:
I'll further add that being expermental also adds value. WOuld you not pay a few more bucks to buy a cert. plane classified as experimental just to get the added flexibility and utility of doing your won thing with new products and designs? I sure would. Best,

You would, I would, many people on here would - but the sheep who don't know anything except "certified" are scared to touch a wrench, and many rightfully so. The certified market gives them the assurance that everything is regulated with oversight and "just right" so they don't have to think, and a large majority of people like that. An experimental aircraft, even if built by a "professional" builder, is still an experimental and does not guarantee the ability to shut down independent critical thought when you flip the masters on. Certified aircraft don't allow you to go braindead on startup either, but many pilots do, simply because they EXPECT everything to work perfectly BECAUSE it's "certified".

Many people and businesses pay an awful lot of money for certified aircraft that have inferior performance at twice the price when compared to RV's - but they are scared of the experimental label due to lack of education about the models and the true meaning of the term non-certified.
There is NO way being and experimental adds value. At best it's a wash, but most people would not consider an experimental. Also consider airplanes that ARE a direct competition. Given RV-10 specs, realistically a 175Kt airplane with 1500fpm initial climb rate. It's specs are almost identical to an Cirrus SR-22 which is new $375K. EVERYTHING on the Cirrus has been tested, you don't carry liabilty in any form for the aircraft construction.

There are no little experimental quirks on this airplane either, which you can't say for the RV. You can pick up a USED but still very new SR-22 for the $220-250K. I don't think the RV-10 compares, I've seen both, the -10 doesn't impress that much as far as cabin space, ease of entry or anything. I may be alone thinking that Van missed the mark with the -10.

Either way though, there is NO way that the -10 is worth >$200K in any form. Any more than a -7 is worth over 100K.
Wow, sounds like many here are upset at the high price of an RV.

Frankly--I think it's great that RV's fetch so much-> makes mine
worth more.

Is that RV10 worth that much--I DON'T CARE--I'm not trying to buy it.

But, knowing Rick's quality, I would have to guess the price is real close
to what THAT RV10 will sell for.

It remains to be seen what exactly that 10 ends up being worth. However, has anybody else noticed that Rick is turning into the Norm Abrams of the RV community :).

Hey Rick, I'll stop over your house this weekend with a six pack. Maybe you can knock me out a grand champion RV 7 on Saturday :).

Paul said:
Frankly--I think it's great that RV's fetch so much-> makes mine
worth more.

The real problem here is that the tax man will use these numbers to set the value of YOUR airplane.

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Want some real performance?

For only $299,000 you can have a mach 2 fighter with 35,000 fpm climb, and a spare engine.
Click on this link and scroll down to the Saab J35 Draken Interceptor. Click on the specs link for full details.
Jim, I like it.

jsherblon said:
For only $299,000 you can have a mach 2 fighter with 35,000 fpm climb, and a spare engine.
Click on this link and scroll down to the Saab J35 Draken Interceptor. Click on the specs link for full details.
But can I change the registration to expermintal and put in another seat for my wife? :eek:

Never mind, she would never get in it with me. :(
