Until all of the kits are available for sale, there will not be a complete set of plans available (they are finalized as each kit section is released).
I see thank you.

I would be a first time builder and I was hoping to get some of the information that would normally be contained in the preview plans such as "explaining tools, workshop practice, plans reading, etc. are provided ONLY in the Preview Plans Set".

What can I do for a good substitute?
I see thank you.

I would be a first time builder and I was hoping to get some of the information that would normally be contained in the preview plans such as "explaining tools, workshop practice, plans reading, etc. are provided ONLY in the Preview Plans Set".

What can I do for a good substitute?

I am a first time builder also, my wing plans included Section 5 which covers the stuff you are interested. You may consider calling Vans to see if they will email you Section 5 only.
I am waiting patiently for RV-14 kit to come out too, but meanwhile I got preview plans for RV - 7. They gave me good insight on what to expect. So if you are anxious about starting on the project I would recommend getting one of those!
I am waiting patiently for RV-14 kit to come out too, but meanwhile I got preview plans for RV - 7. They gave me good insight on what to expect. So if you are anxious about starting on the project I would recommend getting one of those!

I thought about that too.
Hi Group,

Has Van's let on when the rest of the kit might be available? Also, any idea on quickbuild kits?

I'm trying to gauge how quickly I might be able to have an RV14 flying. Any ideas?

Also, I was wondering if I should be looking or subscribing anywhere to receive this kind of information directly from Vans?

This is the best place for info and updates.

Tail kit will be available in the next month or two. No official word on the rest but I'm sure they will come out faster than I can build them so I haven't worried about it too much.

They've talked a little about quick build (search RV-14 forum for 'quickbuild') but I don't think it will be anytime soon.

If you want a -14, I'd say the best thing to do is to get started. If you want to be flying soon...buy a 7 or 9 that's flying.
Thanks for the assistance. I'm thinking about buying preview plans for the RV10, does that make sense in the absence of RV14 official preview plans?

My biggest fear right now never having built an airplane before is that I don't know what I don't know. I suppose its a little intimidating for everyone the first time they do it.
Thanks for the assistance. I'm thinking about buying preview plans for the RV10, does that make sense in the absence of RV14 official preview plans?

My biggest fear right now never having built an airplane before is that I don't know what I don't know. I suppose its a little intimidating for everyone the first time they do it.

You should be able to buy a set of RV-14 wing kit plans. I ordered a set of -12 wing kit plans when that was the only kit available and Vans gave me credit for the plans when the kit shipped. :D I don't know what the current policy is but it never hurts to ask.

Thanks for the assistance. I'm thinking about buying preview plans for the RV10, does that make sense in the absence of RV14 official preview plans?

My biggest fear right now never having built an airplane before is that I don't know what I don't know. I suppose its a little intimidating for everyone the first time they do it.

Go to the Builder's Links page on Vans' website and find a few RV-7 and RV-10 logs from builders who have been through the process beginning to end. Take the time to read through them cover to cover, and you'll have a pretty good feel for what's involved. There will be few surprises when you get around to building yours. I did it and was able to identify almost all of the parts by sight when doing an inventory, and had a pretty good idea how most fit together. You'll probably also get a good feel for where you are in the tool acquisition process.
Thanks again everyone for the assistance.

I'm pretty sure I want to have aileron trim, electric flaps, landing lights, strobes, and nav. Are all of these "add on" pieces not standard with the wing kit that need to be ordered separately? I will be flying A to B trips IFR and think pitot heat will be a requirement as well. Anything else I would want to consider for the wing build?

Longranger, I'll do just that and read some build logs.

kcburner also pointed out a link to some pdf's which was helpful and shed a little light on a few questions. Living in Tampa, I'm thinking I want to go the extra mile where corrosion is a concern.

I'm thinking maybe I should just call vans to place my order and maybe they can hand hold me just a little bit to be sure I get what I need.

The practice projects come with a full CH 5, "free" reading included with a fun practice project.
I see thank you.

I would be a first time builder and I was hoping to get some of the information that would normally be contained in the preview plans such as "explaining tools, workshop practice, plans reading, etc. are provided ONLY in the Preview Plans Set".

What can I do for a good substitute?

You might try just buying the preview plans of another model. Those topics don't change from model to model. Also, hit your local EAA chapter meeting. There's bound to be a few RV'ers hanging out there!

The EAA has many how-to video's available on their website as well and finally, I really enjoyed going to one of the many workshops offered on building RV's around the country. My wife and I went to one and it was invaluable in helping us get over the hump of feeling comfortable about building.

My biggest fear right now never having built an airplane before is that I don't know what I don't know. I suppose its a little intimidating for everyone the first time they do it.

Highly recommend doing one of the EAA SportAir classes, either sheet metal or RV building, if you feel unsure about the building process. The main thing I got out of that was a confidence that this isn't rocket science and that I can do it. I'm sure some local builders or a local EAA chapter could help you out too. Even if you have to travel, given the cost of what you're about to embark on, it's a wise investment.

And just as LAMPSguy said, the practice kits from vans, either toolbox or airfoil, are great. They come with instructions, plans, rivets and sheetmetal that are similar in flavor to the plane. If you can do them....you know enough to learn on the job...
Hi Group, I'm excited to say that I just ordered the wing kit, SN140074. Sterling was nice enough to email me over sections 1-5 of the plans so I can get a look.

Have fun getting ready. Looking forward to pictures of shipping crates being delivered and unpacked!
I don't have a ship date yet, should get it soon though. I only received my serial number because I asked for it.
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Preview Plans and Wing Options Availability

I have wings on order and wanted to get a jump on things and order preview plans. Van's was happy to sell me the Wings plans for $40 with the comment that they don't have any of the other plans available at this time.

By the way, the optional kits for the wings (the wing tip lighting kit, the aileron trim kit and the landing light kit) are not available yet either. I was told "real soon now".
If you are building a -14, go to Vans and download all of the available RV-12 plans. The 14 plans will be like those in layout and completeness. There are plenty of revised plans sections for the 12 - more than you even get in the -12 preview set and they are free! That includes the beginning part that covers tools, etc.

Go to the bottom of this page:

Then here:

The beginning tool and basics section is this one:
But for the RV12 is doesn't cover bucked rivets! Just squeezed and pulled!
If you are building a -14, go to Vans and download all of the available RV-12 plans. The 14 plans will be like those in layout and completeness. There are plenty of revised plans sections for the 12 - more than you even get in the -12 preview set and they are free! That includes the beginning part that covers tools, etc.

Ch 5 plus some wing revs are available for the 14 too
Wing Plans

I spoke to Van's about study plans, and was told not available, but I could buy a set of wing plans for $40.00 and did so. They worked out well as far as getting me started. You have to watch out for revision levels and not get led down the garden path by obsolete drawings.