
I'm New Here
Hello all!
Well, I've taken the first (tiny) plunge and ordered the preview plans for the RV-8. I've been pouring over this site for the last month or so, and decided to take the advice that so many of you give, and bite the bullet!

The good news is, there's no buyer's remorse, when I hit the "purchase" button, I got a huge smile on my face! The other good news is, I'm single, so no one will be pissed that I'm going to be spending my foreseeable future in my garage (spoken: "workshop")!

Thanks, in advance for all the advice and experience I will be squeezing from this community! I've started clearing out the garage and organizing my toolbox! This is a great excuse to buy tools!!!
Welcome to the club! I'm a fellow newbie -- and just started my empennage kit for a -7. First job was to make a shed in the backyard so I could convert the garage into a workshop. Squeezing rivets now. Enjoy ... as everyone here will tell you ... it's a blast! I my case, I have a very supportive wife and family ... and hopefully I can train a few to buck rivets!
This is a great excuse to buy tools!!!

Oh man, you have no idea until you actually start on the thing. For the first few weeks of working on my empennage, I think I ordered about one new tool per week on average.


If you're like me, the first look through the preview plans might be a bit overwhelming. Don't worry, just give it a little time, go back, look through again, and it'll all start making sense.
For the first few weeks of working on my empennage, I think I ordered about one new tool per week on average.

Just *one* new tool? I'll get at least one box from Spruce or Avery, etc, a week. And I have a few weeks to go! I find that I do work on the weekend, find what I need to get, order Monday, and have it in my hands by Friday. Nice having Spruce and Vans on the same coast .. UPS cheapo shipping = 2nd day!
The good news is, there's no buyer's remorse, when I hit the "purchase" button, I got a huge smile on my face! QUOTE]

On occasion that smile will dim but will never go away.
Welcome to the World of RV's and, the best of the best, the "8"
Thanks everybody! I'm really excited to get started! I've got Avery, Spruce and Vans on favorites on all my computers! I'm planning on taking my time (because really, it's gonna take a while!) and I can forsee many of the near future evenings sitting on the couch pouring over the preview plans, hi-liter in hand, ready to ask questions here!

I also added your website Luke to my favorites!

Thanks Don, I agree, I know I'll get frustrated, but it helps to have everyone in the RV world to help, and for those of us bitten by the flying bug, well, we just can't help ourselves!
Just *one* new tool? I'll get at least one box from Spruce or Avery, etc, a week. And I have a few weeks to go! I find that I do work on the weekend, find what I need to get, order Monday, and have it in my hands by Friday. Nice having Spruce and Vans on the same coast .. UPS cheapo shipping = 2nd day!

Well, I'm estimating here... :D

At least I have Spruce East here in the same metro area as me. Stuff I order from them gets here the next day. (better for me than the two-hour round trip drive down there to get stuff myself)

Welcome aboard Shawn...and yes, you are in good hands here. I found it was easier to understand the preview plans when you can hold the actual piece being referenced, in your hand... SO ORDER THE EMPENNAGE KIT immediatly! :D If you are like me - You will wish you started sooner! It is a blast! Just do it!
Thanks Jim, yeah, things make much more sense to me when I can touch them! I'll be starting after I get back from my upcoming deployment this summer.

I was thinking about taking a tour of the factory some time next year (after said deployment), I'll let you know, sounds great!! :D

Don't the emp order now...plans are good but new tools and parts are the best...

Hey Shawn....welcome! Now here's what you do. Go to Vans website. Place your finger lightly on the mouse, take careful aim with the mouse pointer, take a deep breath, let half of your breath out....then squeeze the mouse button! Voila! Soon your will be building your dream! Now let the project take your breath away!!! Have some real fun and fulfillment!