
Well Known Member

I?ve already changed out the tires on my RV 4 over to 380-x150-5.
Next on the list is that I will need to order the wheel pants. So, I?m considering the Vans Pressure Recovery Wheel Pants.

I?m thinking as well I will need the Lower Intersection Fairings but I can?t seem to find them on Van?s web site.

Am I missing something, any suggestions?

Can I use my old mounting bracket and assembly?

Anything else I?m missing or any suggestions to help make this little project smooth and simple?



I?ve already changed out the tires on my RV 4 over to 380-x150-5.
Next on the list is that I will need to order the wheel pants. So, I?m considering the Vans Pressure Recovery Wheel Pants.

I?m thinking as well I will need the Lower Intersection Fairings but I can?t seem to find them on Van?s web site.

Am I missing something, any suggestions?

Can I use my old mounting bracket and assembly?

Anything else I?m missing or any suggestions to help make this little project smooth and simple?



If what you are changing from is the originally supplied, flat sided wheel pants with the bump on the inboard side for the brake assembly, you will have to change all of the mounting brackets to use the pressure recover wheel pants.
You will also have to replace the lower intersection fairings.
Just Done it.

I have just done this on my 4, 3.80 tyres and pressure recovery pants I laid up in carbon.

As has been said above you will need new mounting hardwear. You can probably use the original spacers and bolts it’s just the bracket that are different. The intersection fairings remain the same at the fuselage, I laid up new lower intersection fairings.

I have one test flight since changing, speed appears to have increased by about 5 mph at the same rpm.This is on the bare unsmoothed and unpainted wheel pants.
gain 5 mph

So I will need different brackets and lower fairing for the wheel pants.

Who?s the best supplier for those parts?

And to gain 5 mph, I can hardly wait.:D:D

Pants and brackets from Vans.

And the lower wheel pant fairings from Cleveland appear to be the best?


More test flying


I should add I set my pants lower than recommended by Van's to get maximum wheel coverage 1/2 instead of 1 inch clearance above the wheel.

Another positive side effect of the new pants is that I was able to cut down the wedge trim I had on the port aileron to counter a heavy right wing by 1/3. I am fairly sure now with a bit more tweaking I will be able to get rid of it altogether.

I should add I set my pants lower than recommended by Van's to get maximum wheel coverage 1/2 instead of 1 inch clearance above the wheel.

Another positive side effect of the new pants is that I was able to cut down the wedge trim I had on the port aileron to counter a heavy right wing by 1/3. I am fairly sure now with a bit more tweaking I will be able to get rid of it altogether.

Yes, I have a slight wing low as well and Im hoping that this will fix mine.:)