
Well Known Member
I fired up the tailcam & cockpit cameras again & shot some video yesterday. Here's "Pressure:"



(By the way, if you read my thread from the other fuel pressure's fine. :D)
Nice Job Bryan

I really must fire the camera up and go filming again..Still need to get that rather alarming invert spin on tape.

Groucho, I particularly like your forward-swept wings. Very X-29ish. Way cool! :D

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are you ex AF ? what does it take to learn this?
I'm actually still in the USAF. The rules are very interesting regarding aerobatics & aerobatic instruction. I recommend taking at least a few hours worth of aerobatic instruction in a Pitts or Extra if you can get them. Getting instruction in an RV would be great too. It's not overly difficult, but it's certainly something you could kill yourself with easily.

N8RV said:
I particularly like your forward-swept wings. Very X-29ish.
I love those too! (Too bad it only looks that way through the tailcam.)

Frank- No inverted systems here...if you want that inverted spin on film, it's all you!

Have fun everybody!
Oh yeah?

Yes I fully intend to do it..I just have been too busy (and a bit chicken) to do so..

It actually revovered very nicely from the IS..just kinda jumped me..made me a little gun shy of hammerheads to be honest..:)

Another nice one, Bryan. Just last night I was thinking that it's been a while since either you or Frank had posted a video.

Frank, you're up :)

Another nice one, Bryan. Just last night I was thinking that it's been a while since either you or Frank had posted a video.

Frank, you're up :)

I can see the NTSB report now..The accident pilots friends were encouraging said pilot to go out and film a manouver known as the "Inverted spin"...Despite said pilot having not done a hammerhead in 3 months due to the fact it scared the living daylights out of him the kast time it happened with no camera he went and did it anyway...:)

Yes I need to get some practice in to be honest..I'm studying for this exam at the end of October and it hs severly cut into my fun time..

I'll get back on the horse soon..

I can see the NTSB report now...
Ok, fine. I retract my request for you to get that video. ...Can I borrow your plane?

Love the low level tail cam footage...could watch that all day!
Thanks - I love it too! I've been thinking about a video of just low passes over scenic (unpopulated) places. Maybe I should start collecting footage for that.

Fun stuff!

Ok, fine. I retract my request for you to get that video. ...Can I borrow your plane?

Fun stuff!

Sure, but what you do without inverted fuel and oil is very impressive..Would be quite fun to see what you could do with mine...:)

Besides I'm not using it right now!

Bryan, great video and music. Question about your 3 consecutive rolls - were you just above zero g's when inverted? It's hard to believe you could keep the nose up without any negative g's. Maybe the fish eye is misleading a little...

I was also curious when, at about the 1:15 point, it seems that you get real light in the seat, yet the seat belts in the px seat don't seem to move at all.

Thanks for bringing a smile.
...Would be quite fun to see what you could do with mine...
Don't tempt me. :D

Question about your 3 consecutive rolls - were you just above zero g's when inverted? It's hard to believe you could keep the nose up without any negative g's. Maybe the fish eye is misleading a little...

I was also curious when, at about the 1:15 point, it seems that you get real light in the seat, yet the seat belts in the px seat don't seem to move at all.

Thanks for bringing a smile.
You're welcome - glad you liked it! At 1:15 I'm actually probably pulling about 2Gs (I'm in a left turn, right?). I may back off a little, but it was positive G the whole time. Optical illusion of light G?

On this flight I did several sets of 3 & 4 consecutive rolls. The fisheye is a little misleading, but I started about 10-15 deg nose high & ended about 10-15 deg nose low.I'm pulling about 1.5-2.0g when wings level upright & about 0.5g (still positive) when I'm wings level inverted. There's a hint of top rudder in some of them too. I keep everything at or above 0.5g to keep my engine happy.
Another nice bit of video Bryan - very enjoyable! It makes me want to get out and do a little low level (upright) in the desert. When you try it around here, down on the stretches of deserted beach, you get way to many bugs to clean off - and have to seriously watch out for birds!

I need to remember to start carrying my camera with me again - I had some gorgeous views of Louise in her -6 yesterday, winding around some building gulf coast cu, with me on her wing. But I don't expect anyone to believe me - no film!

Ok now Bryan is a very humble guy...he's also a pretty good Acro jock! Keeping positive 0.5 g can be done but it takes practice and is not to be attempted without training. After I got trained I screwed up lot of stuff and went negative when I didn't mean too. Of course I got full invert so who cares. I'm somewhat better now but if your a beginner keep it definatly positive and very cautiously experiment with going less than 1g. All this assumes you don't like seeing your oil pressure go to zero...:)

I need to remember to start carrying my camera with me again...But I don't expect anyone to believe me - no film!
Sometimes it's better that there's no proof.

Keeping positive 0.5 g can be done but it takes practice and is not to be attempted without training.
Good point. I'm not sure how everyone else's is plumbed, but my motor quits fairly quickly once the g gets below 0.0. Flying around with 0 oil pressure isn't exactly the best thing you can do for your motor either. It definitely is easy to overshoot 0.5g when pushing. Let me make sure I say this somewhere in this thread: fly safely please everybody. :cool:

you mean you go acro without a mod oil system?
My fuel & oil system are not modified for "inverted" use. That's why I keep everything in the positive g region when doing aerobatics. It means you can't do perfect/textbook maneuvers (i.e. aileron rolls are not axial), but it's close enough for me. As long as you stay positive g, the engine doesn't know it's upside down.

Groucho's too modest....

What he hasn't told you is that he's an Air Force test pilot graduate! In my opinion, you can't buy the kind of training those guys get.

FWIW Groucho, how many hours of aerobatic type maneuvers did you accumulate during school....or is it classified?

My gawd..would you PLEASE stop posting these videos. And don't tell me to not look in the forums cuz somebody puts them on the FRONT PAGE. :mad:

It could get VERY expensive for me to watch too many more of them. :eek:


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More Inspiration, If you please...

Bryan, I really enjoyed watching your latest video. One day, Snoopy will be in the air and just may do some of the low level stuff as well. But, sadly we're a-ways from that ;).

Thanks again and keep'em com'n!
What he hasn't told you is that he's an Air Force test pilot graduate! ...FWIW Groucho, how many hours of aerobatic type maneuvers did you accumulate during school....or is it classified?
I make it a point to go upside down on every flight I do (if it's legal in the aircraft & my wife isn't aboard). I've done a few aerobatic maneuvers, but I'm still racking up more!

Looks like you have a ground crew on one of your low passes, they get any photo's?.
Ummmm....That was an unscheduled ground crew. There were some people out riding dirt bikes & such in the desert. Official statement: I stayed a legal distance away from all people on the ground. That puts me out of range to be able to tell if they had a camera. :cool:

My gawd..would you PLEASE stop posting these videos. And don't tell me to not look in the forums cuz somebody puts them on the FRONT PAGE. :mad:
Hey now, it's been MONTHS since my last one. Just get your plane done & make your own! :eek:

One day, ... But, sadly we're a-ways from that.
Thanks - keep poundin' those rivets!

Thanks everybody for taking a look at the video. They're a blast to make. I'm glad you guys take a few minutes to watch them! :D
negative Gs

Groucho- another GREAT VIDEO. If you're ever over in LA (lower Alabama) you're welcome to fly my -4 and get snot in your eyes up to 2.9 negative Gs.

Bill, eyeball mechanic
RV-4 Sky Dancing
I like this one even better...

and you can watch it in full screen HD at Vimeo


p.s. looks like you jerk the stick quite a bit to effect the roll, is that true?

RV is an amazing machine... in the capable hands.
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Bryan is getting way to much attention here..I see I'm gonna have to go fix that..;)

With the title "Pressure", I was expecting to hear Bowie/Queen blasting out.

Not a complaint on your music, just a bad assumption on my part.

Would be kinda cool though;)
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Bryan, nicely done.

I do a lot of point rolls, with top rudder and elevator...doesn't take much up on the initial pull-up if you unload slightly when starting the roll, and use top rudder and elevator as your coming around. There's no adverse yaw at zero g, and its the adverse yaw that makes the nose drop. A well-known airshow guy I know told me once one can master the slow roll, everything else is cake.

So what's the latest and best deal in bullet cameras? I'd like to put one in the VS top on my Rocket.

I know when I'm out of practice when I can't do slow rolls anymore..:)

Mind you my PX didn't know the difference last night so thats all that counts right?..;)

I hate Bryan!

Once again I watched his flick multiple times and once again I question why I built a -9!

Great footage Bryan! When I look at the in-cockpit footage you just look so relaxed and never once did it look like you were getting light on your seat.
p.s. looks like you jerk the stick quite a bit to effect the roll, is that true?
It really depends what I'm trying to do. If I want a snappy start or stop, I'll do as good of a step input as I can. There's nothing wrong with smooth/fluid inputs just depends.
Bryan is getting way to much attention here..I see I'm gonna have to go fix that..
Do it! Fight's on!!
With the title "Pressure", I was expecting to hear Bowie/Queen blasting out.
Well, the flight I recorded this on was right after I got done wrestling with a fuel pressure problem...that turned out to not be a problem at all. It is amazing how the background music changes the feel of the video. To steer clear of copyright violations, I don't release videos without permission from the artist.

Since the videos typically seem to get viewed thousands of times, I try to find fairly unknown artists who are looking for some people to listen to their work.
I Love the low level vid too. Awesome.
Alright, that's two people. I'm going to have to make an all low level flying video before too long.
So what's the latest and best deal in bullet cameras? I'd like to put one in the VS top on my Rocket.
This is the camera I use: They seem to work well & my tailcam has held up to lots of rain & even some ice & snow. You need something else to record the video though - they're just a camera with an RCA video output. I'd love to find some HD bullet cameras that were affordable. Maybe someday...
I hate Bryan!
could you give informations about your speed entries ?
I'll fly on RV7 in a few months (I'm learning aerobatic now !)
Thanks! Speeds depend on the plane's weight, engine, prop, how many g's you want to pull, etc. For a -6 with an O-360 & constant speed prop, 180mph indicated seems to work well for over-the-top maneuvers & 160 works for rolling maneuvers. I recommend getting some aerobatic instruction though with someone familiar with RVs. It's easy to do basic aerobatics, but it's also very easy to end up in a very unfamiliar situation.

Have fun & be safe!