
Thanks, VAF! Couldn't have done it without you :)




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Oshkosh 2019 Winner!

Great scheme good job! Can land and taxi on muddy surfaces no dirt visible. Can fly for weeks without cleaning the belly. :D
Great job

Beautiful plane. Looks like you are located at Shelby Cty. I have a RV 7 that I finished in 2016 located at Bessemer and fly to Shelby all the time for less expensive gas. Please let me know when you may be around and I would like to meet to see in person. Neil Clay 205-253-9595
Very nice looking airplane. Congratulations. I was following your posts during the build. Perfect achievement in such a short time. Now it is time to enjoy your success. I wish you the best.
Very nice job. I really like the paint. Black bottom is very unique, yet stylish. My wife loves the seats. Wants to know where we can get them.
My wife loves the seats. Wants to know where we can get them.

Thank you all for the wonderful comments. The pics don't do it justice, the paint is amazing.

Design by Plane Schemer, Paint by Evoke Aviation - http://planeschemer.com

Seats and carpet by Classic Aero Design - http://classicaero.com

Panel by SteinAir - http://steinair.com

Grips by Pioneer Aircraft - http://aircraftcontrolgrips.com/

Spinner by Cummings Spinners - https://cumminspinners.com (may be out of business, not sure)

Wheels and Brakes by Beringer - http://beringer-aero.com

All highly recommended ... I really have had a great experience with these companies.

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Very, very nice! Had to post because the registration is very close to my bird's original reg... N196RV. :)
Looks great! How about one with the canopy closed? I'm trying to figure out what to do with the paint on my roll bar and canopy frame right now. That would be helpful. Thanks.
Agree, Vlad

Great scheme good job! Can land and taxi on muddy surfaces no dirt visible. Can fly for weeks without cleaning the belly. :D

'Tis a smart man who paints the underside of his wheel pants something besides the pearl metallics we're seeing so much of.

I may do my wheel pants, at least the bottom half, in rattle can enamel from the git-go, because I know that's what they'll be painted with a few years down the runway...

BEAUTIFUL plane, by the way!
Congrats Bill! Love, love your paint scheme and your panel.

Will be following your progress closely.
Looks great! Every time I see an Evoke job, I'm really glad that I'll be working with them on my plane, too.

Since nobody else has inquired, I'll be the nosy guy and ask about your spinner. What happened to it? :D

We will see many more of same or similar configuration. Duplication is the highest form or flattery. :D
Since nobody else has inquired, I'll be the nosy guy and ask about your spinner. What happened to it?

I thought it was self inflicted, possibly a bad hole [that cracked], but it seems to be just a material failure of some kind. Scary! Counting my blessings, very happy the shard didn't come off in flight.

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I thought it was self inflicted, possibly a bad hole, but it seems to be just a material failure of some kind. Scary! Counting my blessings, very happy the shard didn't come off in flight.

Wow. Glad you dodged an ugly outcome with that one...

I liked my stock spinner just fine (it looked good painted) on my old -8 and will be sticking with it on the new -14A.
I thought it was self inflicted, possibly a bad hole [that cracked], but it seems to be just a material failure of some kind. Scary! Counting my blessings, very happy the shard didn't come off in flight.

This certainly does not look good, glad you are OK. I would be interested to see what Allen says about this and if there was any other Cummins failure.

I have the same spinner and will be watching it closely.
I needed someplace to fly last Sunday so I flew over to Shelby County to check out Bill?s plane. Definitely a first class job on the build and the paint. I?m sure he?ll get the spinner issue resolved. Great plane Bill.
I needed someplace to fly last Sunday so I flew over to Shelby County to check out Bill?s plane. Definitely a first class job on the build and the paint. I?m sure he?ll get the spinner issue resolved. Great plane Bill.

It was wonderful meeting you! I regret being a bit preoccupied with that spinner and didn't get to sit down and chat, hope to see you again soon :)