
Well Known Member
So, as you may have seen from a previous post that I decided to fly before painting. For the most part I'm happy with that decision except I carried that thought a little too far. I primered nothing and now I have a bottom cowl that is quickly accumulating some oil around the exit area. I need to clean it up and want to primer it. The oil and other gunk seems to have really gotten into the fiberglass, especially the pin holes. Any advice on how to remedy that and prepare it for primer? Live and learn...
Thanks Dan,
I've never used or heard of Prepsol before and a little googling came up with some hits. Seems a little difficult to find and there were other products that popped up too like 3M Prep-Solvent 70 and some products from Klean-Strip. Any experience with those. I noted on an auto forum that they recommended using Dupont Final Klean after using the Prepsol. Any thoughts on that?
Any automotive grade solvent based pre paint cleaner will work. Blow it off real well to evaporate off any remaining solvent cleaner before priming.
I am just finishing all my fiberglass parts prep for painting. The biggest hassle is filling the thousands of pin holes. I have used a 2 part spot putty with a high build primer. Much sanding but looks good now.
oil free air

and if you blow off with air, take care to see that your air is oil free. That means no in-line oiler and a good filter in the air line. A well used hose will accumulate oil and moisture from the air compressor. I use a new air hose that is only used for painting with a air filter just before.