Greetings, I'm sure someone will point out that everyone got the "revision" or that I have been reading the plans upside down, but anyway... On page 8-14 the instructions say, "....mark on the W-704 screw locations at each unused rivet space on the bottom flange of the W-710 root rib." Well, my QB wing has rivets in all the above locations. So I look on DWG 12 and on the top view, skin W-702, the rivets to be left out are indicated. This, however, is the "top" skin of the wing, not the bottom skin, W-704, as indicated in the construction manual. Am I just confused or are the missing rivets mismarked on the DWG 12. I just want to be sure I'm drilling out the correct rivets.

Also, DWG 11 shows the wing attach bolts as, "Nas1307-50." My bolts appear to be -35, which I think is correct. :confused:

Thanks in advance,
Don Owens
Wing root rivets

On my 8 all the rivets were in there, too. Keep in mind what you need to do - install some nutplates that will hold the wing root fairings on. Have a look at those fairings, do a test fit on the wings (even before they are on the fuselage) and it will become clearer. That's what helped me. Good luck!