
I'm New Here
Hi folks,

I'm taking on a challenge. I purchased an older RV-6 kit that is roughly at the quick build stage. The previous owner is deceased and I am missing just about all of the hardware.

I've searched all over and can't seem to find a complete list of hardware used in the building process. I really need to find a list of the AN rivets used so I can make bulk order from Spruce. I'd also like to try to find a list of the most common nuts, bolts and washers used.

I know this has got to be a huge list but I'm trying to avoid the urge to raid my neighbors' hardware stockpiles.

Thank you all in advance for any tips!!
I would try the obvious and give Vans a call and explain your situation. I would think they would be willing to give you those details, or even sell them to you. I've found Vans prices on hardware to be a little less expensive most of the time.

What is your serial number ? My kit is old .. and I have my original parts list that I can scan and email you in the morning .. I am building a RV6 - tip up
I have an electronic list in Excel of all hardware by bag number and also listed by fastner type. PM me and I can email to you.
Can you call the seller (widow)? Betting they have some leftover boxes with your hardware.
I purchased a 1992 tail kit RV6 no hardware. called Vans and 2 minutes later I was ready to order the hardware kit from vans!!
Thanks for all the info guys. Best I can tell the kit has been owned by three people prior to me. Yeah try not to laugh... Needless to say parts were scattered to oblivion.

Stand by for plenty more stupid questions. Thanks again!

I would make a concerted effort to find some of the pricier items but don't sweat the small stuff. Off the top of my head;

- close tolerance spar bolts and splice plates
- control rod end bearings

I'm sure there is other hardware i'm not thinking of that is a bit on the pricey side.
Best I can tell the kit has been owned by three people prior to me. Yeah try not to laugh...

Hey Corey, I'm right in there with you. Just bought and RV6 kit and I'm the 3rd or 4th owner on some parts. Not sure how much hardware is there or not, the list is extensive. I think we are gonna get through this together with the help of the VAF! :)
I am going thru the same thing with my 7 project that had been cannibalized for years before I acquired it . I tried to get vans to make me a hardware list and it didn't work out. I wound up just buckling down and studying the plans and making a list of all the different size rivets used. Then I ordered about twice what I thought I needed. I have also made a list of all the nuts and bolts and try to keep an inventory of everything I might need. It has forced me to be more familiar with the plans and how everything goes together.