
Well Known Member
Has anyone else preordered one of these? I liked the Vizion but wasn't in a particular hurry so I preordered a Gemini. I am just wondering if I am the only one? Thanks.
I ordered back in December. With that said, I do not want one early, I want one that is right and ready to go. :)
Actually, I spent most of the winter working on small things that I made larger in the process. I am determined to start flying again instead of doing maintenance. But if I had gotten the pitch servo installed and the wiring of it brought up near the panel, I would have been happy. As it is, when I look under the panel, I get scared.

At some point I am going to just begin!
I ordered one that is replacing a perfectly fine unit, so willing to be patient for less headaches. Now if GRT would only answer my inquiry about the rest of the panel upgrade . . .
Apparently there are issues with the Gemini II ADI/Control Head. I've been expecting it since Jan, by TT sked, still don't have it. Now I hear there are problems with a component. TT says they are shipping Vizion 385 control head to me. While I appreciate that, would have liked to have known that earlier. Hoping to have it working for S&F trip. Servos etc installed.
That is why I posted the question. I decided I wanted one back in late Summer and they were talking about a possible November release. As the months have gone by I began to wondered if I was the only one waiting for one. I am not necessarily over anxious for it but it would be nice to know what the real situation is. For months it was missing boards from the supplier. Now I am not sure that was even the case.
Later than expected/wanted, but very close!

Yes, we've taken much longer than planned to get everything. I do assure you, we've been working on it as hard as possible. But at LONG LAST...


That's 8 complete units that are going through temperature calibration. Those will be going out the door sooner than you think! I do appreciate everyone's patience while we get all the snafus worked out.
That is why I posted the question. I decided I wanted one back in late Summer and they were talking about a possible November release. As the months have gone by I began to wondered if I was the only one waiting for one. I am not necessarily over anxious for it but it would be nice to know what the real situation is. For months it was missing boards from the supplier. Now I am not sure that was even the case.

It was the case. I have tried to be as open and up front as possible. Whenever one calls to check the status, I give all the info I have at that time. We did wait a VERY long time for boards from the supplier...because we only order in quantities of 100 or less, we don't get a very high priority in their chain. No matter how much we scream and squeak.
I know everyone is waiting,and I very much appreciate your patience. We're working as hard as possible to wrap it all up. We want this product to be spot on at release. Just so you know we're very close. Here's a pic I took on a flight last night.


Curse these mobile uploads! Sorry for the sideways pic. :-(