"The nature of the formation and aerobatic maneuvering was not previously described in the one locked thread on this incident."

How does knowing this change anything about the incident. They are an Aerobatic demonstration Team, Not a bunch of Yahoos flying about willy nilly.
"The nature of the formation and aerobatic maneuvering was not previously described in the one locked thread on this incident."

How does knowing this change anything about the incident. They are an Aerobatic demonstration Team, Not a bunch of Yahoos flying about willy nilly.

It doesn't change anything about the incident, as it's in the past.

It does help some of us unfamiliar with the incident understand it better, however.

OP, thanks for posting the links
How does knowing this change anything about the incident. They are an Aerobatic demonstration Team, Not a bunch of Yahoos flying about willy nilly.

How does knowing the details about any incident change things? It's educational and informative for certain people. It describes additional detail that some may be interested in, which was not previously described on VAF. You may not be interested in the details. Others are. But I don't understand the point of your 2nd sentence.
Thanks for posting the link to the report. After reading it, my understanding is that the RV-8 was attempting to perform this maneuver. Is that correct?


Jerry, First time I have seen the pic of your tail after "The Touch" event. You da man for getting that thing down safely!

When you can talk about it, most of us would love to hear the first hand story of what it was like to fly that plane in that condition.
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Wow. Ive flown with Widget, but I dont think I'd want to have been in the plane when that happen. I dont have any of those NASA certified DEPENDS to wear.
Widget---proud of both of you for getting the planes down safely.
Looking at that, very thankful both landed ok. WOW is the word! I wonder if the composite prop contributed to a more positive outcome. Tough birds and excellent pilots.
Taking nothing away from the skill exhibited by both pilots in landing safely I'd say both were lucky in the extreme. An inch or two one way or another and a jammed elevator or departing prop... Shudder to think about it.
Agree, Richard

I am really thankful both pilots and all the spectators are okay. This could have been a very bad day. As it is, planes can and will be rebuilt, and Widget's GRT video tutorials will keep coming, to supplement the skimpy, scattered documentation (ahem...)

Confuscius say: Aileron-hinge-to-spinner beats elevator-hinge-in-spinner every time :eek:

Jerry---they are on GRT's website, as well as You Tube. I think there is like 5 of them. Widget did a great job! Oh and the videos are great too!