
I'm New Here

I've just started building a Van's RV-7 down here in Sydney, Australia.
I've been researching primer solutions and I've made my mind up to use Prekote as the surface pre-treatment.

My question: Once Prekote has been applied as per the application instructions I was thinking of using a Zinc Oxide 'rattle can' primer - such as that made by 'Tempo'.

Does anyone know if that is a compatible primer or is there something else in particular that is recommended? This will be for all internal steel and aluminum parts. Given I'm building my aeroplane in my garage (attached to the house) I'm looking for the safest possible solution but with good corrosion protection.

Best regards,
Simon Williams
Sydney, Australia
(working on RV-7 emp).
I'm a few years behind you but also wanting to shift from Alumiprep/Alodine/Prime to Prekote/Prime. Where do you buy your PreKote??? Also looking for a supplier (in Brisbane) for a Zinc Oxide Primer.
To answer both Q's

Hi both Simon and Don

I have been using PreKote on all of my build. You can get it from Aeroparts.
in Victoria their web site is

and their address etc is:
Beaconsfield Vic 3807

0438 332 442

I have been using Protec Paint, it is a local product with their factory in Adelaide, their web site is:

and other contact details are:

97 -105 Bedford Street
Gillman SA 5013
Tel (08) 8447 6311
Fax (08) 8447 6692

They have a very good rattle can product called Etch Pro which I have been using. It is easy to use and seems to be very stable and quite robust/ hard when dry. I have not yet put a colour coat on (hopefully in the next couple of weeks) so I can't make any comments about how well it works under the top coats etc, but it is used in automotive painting so it should be o.k.

Hope that helps.


Do you want to use an etching primer over the PreKote?

#30 on their FAQ might seem to suggest otherwise...
My reading of the PreKote technical literature is that it eliminates the need for an etch - so I think I can go either way.
Hi both Simon and Don

I have been using PreKote on all of my build. You can get it from Aeroparts.
in Victoria their web site is

and their address etc is:
Beaconsfield Vic 3807

0438 332 442

I have been using Protec Paint, it is a local product with their factory in Adelaide, their web site is:

and other contact details are:

97 -105 Bedford Street
Gillman SA 5013
Tel (08) 8447 6311
Fax (08) 8447 6692

They have a very good rattle can product called Etch Pro which I have been using. It is easy to use and seems to be very stable and quite robust/ hard when dry. I have not yet put a colour coat on (hopefully in the next couple of weeks) so I can't make any comments about how well it works under the top coats etc, but it is used in automotive painting so it should be o.k.

Hope that helps.



Thanks Jim, good info. I will follow up with them
My reading of the PreKote technical literature is that it eliminates the need for an etch - so I think I can go either way.

Maybe not... the PreKote leaves a thin molecular layer... do you really know the etch primer won't take off that layer?

The FAQ talks about epoxy or urethane primers only.