
But I have another alternative given to me by the "Guy in the paint store"...Common vinnegar.

Cheap, non toxic and the paint hasn't fallen off in two years...I keep my fingers crossed..:)


hi Ross,

We used Pre-Kote for the external paint prep on the 7A. Too early to tell really, but was easy to work with. Scotchbrite real well first, wipe down, Pre-Kote scotched in, pre-kote and light scotch, wash, wash, wipe / dry. 2 pack primer and 2K autolak top coat + lots of cut & polish - looks good.

The caution I've heard / read about is not letting the Pre-Kote dry before washing off. If so, damp pre-kote and light scotch, then wash again.


Carl - first 'over seas' trip completed!


I used Prekote for lots of parts that I then later had painted with a 2-part akzo primer. I did this mainly because getting access to the nastier chemicals in Switzerland is not easy. I did the prekote work in the front yard, rinsed the parts into the grass with no apparent negative effects on the environment. The paint seemed to grip well, I have not (yet) seen any hints of it coming off, but that might simply be the result of the 2 pack paint being tougher than nails, and of course I'm not flying.

I found a couple of sources for the prekote, with very different pricing, so be sure to shop around.
Yes, this is for the -10. Not too keen on working with vast quantities of Hexavalent Chromium- you know the Erin Brockovich thing. The last thing I need is two heads.:(

It (the Prekote) seems much easier to work with.

Carl, Mickey, thanks for your comments after actually using the stuff. Let us know if any paint starts falling off.

Frank, vinegar was my second choice, what type of primer and paint did you use?

I've used Prekote and then Deft for a primer. Seems to work very well. Cleanup very easy since Deft cleans up with water. Tough as nails when cured and very resistant to damage either physical or chemical. Prekote is very easy to work with and has yet to harm my grass or driveway.
Where to Get Deft

I too am a big fan of the Deft water bourne primer, the only problem is that I have found it very difficult to come by. Where do you get it from?
