
Well Known Member
I'd like to hear from anyone who has installed and flown the Precision Eagle EMS system. Other than Bart Lalonde, who has given it the thumbs up, I have not heard any other reports.

I'm hoping Precision will introduce a 6-cyl version sometime soon, but the 4-cylider version is quite topical for this forum.

Anyone with feedback?

Thanks, Vern
Hi Vern

I am also looking for information on the Eagle

I am very close to ordering this setup with a new IO375, standard compression from Aerosport

With this package I also would like to go with the Vertical Power electrical system. Marc Ausman has indicated that it should be O/K but not yet tested.


I also look forward to feed back from others that are using the Airmotive Eagle EMS

Eagle EMS

I have the Eagle EMS system on my IO-320 purchased from Bart at AeroSport Power. However, I am still about a year away from flying. I will post reports after I am in the air, but I can't help yet.
Owner of Eagle EMS equiped airplane

My airplane, an RV6A had the original EMS system installed in it. During development the hardware was reliable from the start and over time only a few parts were upgraded. The software took quite a bit longer. For at least the last 2 years it has been running production software and is running very well. The most noticable differance you will see if you convert is a lot more power. I am not sure this plane needs more power but this system delivers it. It also starts much easier. For starting, this system needs a pretty high cranking speed to start quickly. I have tried hand starting once when I had a starter failure. I found this to be impossible. My old starter was marginal and it took several turns for the engine to start. With my replacement starter the engine starts within one rotation. The engine runs very smooth, and can run at a much lower rpm than the magnetoes would have allowed. I have not noticed any fuel savings.
Eagle EMS

I noticed this post on the Eagle EMS and had to read it. Then I noticed I had posted just about a year ago. I said at the time...

I have the Eagle EMS system on my IO-320 purchased from Bart at AeroSport Power. However, I am still about a year away from flying. I will post reports after I am in the air, but I can't help yet.

Well, that has not happened. It seems building the plane is a longer project then I had anticipated. I am now just past four years of build time (I seem to underestimate software development projects also). Anyway, I am currently wiring everything in my plane. Once that is done, I will move on and work on the engine baffles. After that... first engine start. With any luck that will be by the end of this year.

Now, how can I manage to make that happen without opening up this same thread in another year and finding my words predicting another completion date that comes and goes....
ECI Fuel injection

Has anyone out there fitted the ECI FI system to the RV-4 I am interested in the pump / firewall clearance or lack of.

Gordon Pettigrew
Precision's Eagle EMS

Anyone who would like to talk to flying customers with the Eagle EMS, let me know and I'll get you in contact with them. Alot can be learned by going to the web site; www.precisionairmotive.com click on Eagle EMS.
I can also explain the variable timing and the manual mixture function.
Alan Jesmer - Precision Airmotive:)
My airplane, an RV6A had the original EMS system installed in it. During development the hardware was reliable from the start and over time only a few parts were upgraded. The software took quite a bit longer. For at least the last 2 years it has been running production software and is running very well. The most noticable differance you will see if you convert is a lot more power. I am not sure this plane needs more power but this system delivers it. It also starts much easier. For starting, this system needs a pretty high cranking speed to start quickly. I have tried hand starting once when I had a starter failure. I found this to be impossible. My old starter was marginal and it took several turns for the engine to start. With my replacement starter the engine starts within one rotation. The engine runs very smooth, and can run at a much lower rpm than the magnetoes would have allowed. I have not noticed any fuel savings.

"The most noticable differance you will see if you convert is a lot more power"
More power compared to what you had? What was that? And do you have an imperical data between the 2 that might shed some light on having "a lot more power"?

" I am not sure this plane needs more power"...What criteria might you use to determine when you think you need more power?