
Active Member
:) Had the opportunity to take a ride in a RV-12 N25DV with Dave Valcik to a breakfast fly-in at N40 Sky Manor, Pittstown, NJ. This was my first flight in an RV-12 and the view was spectacular. Dave let me take the controls en-route while he played with the ADS-B. Scott in an RV-8 caught up to us and we followed him in to Sky Manor. We had a good breakfast, fueled up and returned to PTW Heritage Field, Pottstown, PA. The Pre-RV Grin is evident. I can hardly wait to complete my build N470MB and completing transition training with Jetguy.
Dave thanks for the Pre-RV Grin!

Dave's RV-12 N25DV

PTW Heritage Field

N40 Sky Manor

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You are welcome, anytime just let me know. A few pictures from the restaurant at Sky Manor;



Mark (AKA “Darrell)”, few pics hauling his baby to Jim Russell’s for paint Sat 11/17/12.


Jetguy he is ready for you!
You were there today? How come I missed you guys? After breakfast I was practicing grass landings :D

Sorry we missed you and I would a sprung for breakfast. Scott and I flew up early.



Landed about 8:50, had something to eat, and froze my tail filling up and left about 10:45.
Dave, now that you are done tooling around the countryside, elevating your colesterol level, can I have my lawn mower engine back? :D :D
The only thing the 1st photo is missing is the date and time of arrest!
What? no picture of the food? and the bill? you are slipping! Your new nickname should be Larry! You already have your brother Darrel and your other brother Darrel! BTW, snazzy lookin' trailer Darrell. Looks like a Cecil County special.
What's all that #!$%### about a lawn mower engine???
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