
Well Known Member
After reading endless opinions on priming et all, I decided to go with priming my entire aircraft interior. I am going to eventually give this plane to my son-in-law for him to teach my two grand boys to fly. (Brag: He is currently a B-2 flight instructor.) Prep and priming troubled me a little after all the study, but I just want to let everyone know that it is no big deal at all.

Once my RV-9A HS parts were all drilled, beburred, dimpled, etc., I simply sat down on a bucket outside and bottle sprayed them with Pre Kote and scrubbed them (once only for virgin aluminum according to the MFG) with a Scotchbrite pad until the product foamed up. This took only a minute or two at most for each small part. I then rinsed thoroughly with a garden hose and placed on my chicken wire bench (4' x 6' x 2' high) to dry. Once dry (maybe 20 minutes here in Florida), I remarked them carefully with my Sharpie.

Spraying the dry parts could not be easier, especially using the 3M PPS cups. Once my cheapie purple HF gun was adjusted properly (I think), I sprayed the parts with the Akzo product (un-thinned). It sprayed beautifully! It covered (no aluminum glint) quickly and evenly in one pass AND the sharpie markings show through without a problem. I was able to flip to spray the backsides in about ten minutes max.

I let the parts dry overnight, although only four hours is needed. This morning they look terrific and are absolutely rock hard and ready for riveting. I honestly don't know what I was so worried about. The few extra steps were easy and not very time consuming. The long term benefit immeasurable.

My opinion? Why not?

Exactly what I did in the end. Tried self-etching rattle cans first, was much happier with the Pre-kote and AKZO that I used in everything but the tail.

Does still take a lot more time then not priming. I would guess priming added 25%-33% to the aluminum portion of the build.