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I'm considering the purchase of a brand new RV12iS ELSA. The plane hasn't been finished yet, so it will be inspected by the FAA, and an airworthiness certificate will be issued, before I take possession. Would it be wise to have a pre-buy inspection done by a mechanic anyway, that is, in addition to the FAA inspection? I ask because I don't know whether the FAA inspection is done simply to confirm that an ELSA was built in accordance with the kit's building instructions, or whether the FAA inspection also looks at whether the build was done well.
It depends on how much you trust the work of the builder. Does he have enough confidence in his work to test fly the plane? Everyone makes mistakes. Another set of eyes might find them.
What he said... and, in short, yes. ELSA or not, workmanship can vary from superb to un-airworthy to horrific.
I've attended a presentation at an EAA chapter, by an FAA inspector, regarding his work on an EXP airworthiness inspection.

His inspection consists of looking the plane over, looking the build logs over, checking the paperwork details, and doing a hands-on check that the flight controls are functioning correctly. He is looking for key screwups that can affect newly built experimentals.

There is no engine run-up to verify any aspect of engine operation.

It is not a comprehensive inspection of the aircraft by any means. He does not have time to do an inspection as detailed as an annual inspection, for example, which would take many, many hours.

I personally would hire an A&P or AI to inspect the aircraft.

Cincinnati, OH