
I am new to the VAF and was wondering what I should expect to pay for a pre-buy on an RV12 in the Palm Springs, CA area. Is there a standard checklist or form that is used?
Ideally you should find a DAR with RV-12 experience, or an AP/IA with RV-12 and/or Rotax experience. My guess is they would charge you a set fee for reviewing everything - logbook entries, engine, pulling panels and looking at the big items and small details - pulling those seat panels to look at the guts would be the big thing I would think. Compression checks and big airplane stuff on a rotax wouldn't be at the top of my list....hence the need for someone with experience on this type of airplane imho....proper carb balance, engine install issues would be more important imo.

There are a lot of Van's S/Bs that need reviewing as well - my guess is the paperwork alone would take a good hour or so.
In regards to your actual question, I usually charge $500 plus expenses/travel to do a Prebuy inspection.