
Well Known Member
I have been looking for an RV-8 or 8A for a while now. Finally at a point where it makes sense. I found one in Gresham OR that I think may fit what I'm looking for. Is anyone in the area (or knows someone) who would be willing/ capable for a pre-buy.

I am an Air Force F-16 driver, but this will be my first airplane purchase. So, please excuse any ignorance or dumb questions on my part. Looking for any help I can get.
Gary Brown would be one good source of many in Oregon.
I pasted his DAR listing from VAF:
Oregon Independence State Airport based. Brown, Gary 503.269.3907
"A&P, IA, CFI (LODA on RV-7 - can do transition training.)
Gary Brown would be one good source of many in Oregon.
I pasted his DAR listing from VAF:
Oregon Independence State Airport based. Brown, Gary 503.269.3907
"A&P, IA, CFI (LODA on RV-7 - can do transition training.)

Thanks Bruce! Gave him a call.