New to the RV community, a few years ago I aquired a 1977 -3 with the intent to rebuild it. Ordered a new empenage kit and built it, ordered the B- wing retro fit and recieved them. Now for fuselage are there many major improvements made from the earlier -3 to the now -3, should I modify the old
one or just build the new one. Any suggestions.
Build a new one

If I were in your shoes I'd just build a new fuselage. That way you'll get it exactly the way you want it and can make whatever interior customizations you want. Wally Anderson at Synergy Air in Eugene has done a -3B wing retrofit and says he has no interest in doing another.

I remember being surprised at how fast the fuselage went together. In looking through my builder's log I see that it took me 3 months to build the jig and get the fuselage completed enough to remove it from the jig.

Thanks for the reply I was kind of leaning that way, once I stared drilling out rivits and removing panels it does't leave much left. In order to assure that the fuse is straight I would have to built the jig anyway. Randy your web sight and aircraft are beautiful. This is my first metal project I have completely restored a Starduster Too, and an 7AC champ a few years back. Owning a body shop I have painted many RV;s can,t wait to fly my own.
